An abortion is the end of pregnancy, using surgery or medicines. This is also called termination of pregnancy.
Abortion is a personal decision. To know more about abortion, the patient may take counseling. You will get information about abortion, risks, benefits, and possible alternatives.
You can remove pregnancy by taking an Abortion Pill in a clinic or by surgery.
Reasons of abortion
There can be many reasons to choose abortion. And these reasons are:
- Pregnancy is in an early stage, and I no longer want to be pregnant.
- A serious medical condition of the fetus.
- Medical condition, that is threatening during pregnancy.
- Bad timing.
- Issues with a partner.
- Financial unprepared.
- Health-related issues.
How many types of abortion there are?
There can be different types of abortion, the doctor may suggest according to your health.
Medical abortion
Medical abortion requires medicines to end the pregnancy. It is possible till 11 weeks of pregnancy. There is a 95% of success chance of medical abortion.
Two medicines are used to end the pregnancy. These medicines are mifepristone and misoprostol. Mifepristone help in blocking the progesterone hormone, which is necessary for pregnancy. Whereas, misoprostol contracts the uterus to empty it.
You can take these medicines in the hospital as well as at home. Patients use this medicine personally. It can take 24 hours to complete the abortion.
There are some risks in medical abortion:
- Infection
- excessive bleeding
- unsuccessful abortion
Surgical abortion
When pregnancy removes with an operation is called surgical abortion.
There are two types of surgical abortion, suction abortion, and dilation and evacuation abortion.
There can be some risks in surgical abortion:
- It may face infection
- non-proper removal of pregnancy tissue
- Heavy bleeding
- Can cause injury to the cervix
Suctions abortion– suction abortion can be used until 14 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. A suction is inserted into the uterus to empty it. Most clinics use the suction abortion method to end the pregnancy.
Dilation and evacuation- when pregnancy is longer than 16 weeks, this kind of abortion is used. To empty the uterus, suction and surgical tools use.
It is a successful way of having an abortion. Abortion with the dilation method takes 5-10 minutes.
Late abortion
Abortion after 24 weeks of pregnancy is called late-term abortion. Late-term abortion is possible in special cases like rape victims, widows, etc.
In each type of abortion, you can move to regular work after 1-2 days of rest. But don't do any hard work, which includes heavy mass. Try not to perform any exercise. Avoid sex for seven days at least.
Here we have discussed abortion and its types. What types of instruments and medicine are used to end the pregnancy are mentioned in this blog. If you are willing to end the pregnancy you can take an abortion pill in the clinic. For more information, patients can visit the women's center site.