1. Health

What is anxiety, and how can you deal with it?

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Anxiety is a common mental health problem that refers to being in a persistent state of worry or displaying excessive amounts of fear. Everyone worries about things now and again, but to suffer from anxiety means that worrying has a debilitating impact on your daily life.


Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health problem in the world, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) suggesting that 1 in 13 people globally suffer from an anxiety disorder. So if you’re dealing with one, know that you’re absolutely not alone. Anxiety is more prevalent in women and young people, which could be for a number of reasons. While women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety than men, 7.2% of 5-19-year-olds experience an anxiety condition.


Symptoms of anxiety

Symptoms of anxiety will vary depending on the disorder, but most anxiety conditions will involve several or most of the symptoms detailed below. The following symptoms will be most accurate in depicting people suffering from Anxiety Disorder.


Physical symptoms

Feeling light-headed or dizzy

Sweating or feeling hot

Increased heart rate

Panic attacks

Gastrointestinal problems

Rapid breathing or hyperventilation

Nausea or painful stomach

Aches and pains in your body

Feeling weak and tired


Feeling nervous, irritable, or tense

Low mood and depression

Experiencing a sense of impending danger or fearing the worst

Constantly worrying about things 

Needing reassurance from other people 

Feeling like everyone is watching you


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