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Follow these tips and you can't fail to increase DiddlyPay Review your chances of making sales and building profits from your affiliate marketing efforts. Why should you start to incorporate video into your affiliate marketing campaigns? One of the reasons is that it now amounts to almost 60% of all online traffic, and this is expected to rise to 90% by 2013. The truth is people prefer information to be presented in a visual medium. So to stay on top of the game you had better start making some videos.

Just take a look at search results returned by Google for almost any search query, you can expect to see at least two or three of the top ten results relating to a video of some description. People love to watch them and the search engines love them too. Lets face it the computer has a great big screen just itching to show moving images so you should take advantage of it. It's not as hard as you may think to start producing videos to drive traffic to your sales page. Here are a few suggestions to help you to carve out your piece of this rapidly growing traffic stream.

The best type to use to promote an affiliate sales page is usually a screen capture format one. This is a type of video where you record exactly what happens on your screen, as you do it. This is the best because you can produce product tours easily using the product vendors website. These can be easily made using a specialist screen capture program such as Camtasia studio, there are many similar programs available, however this is the best known, do a quick web search, and you are sure to find one to fit your needs and budget.
