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Traditionally, portable handheld devices utilized the General-Purpose Operating System (GPOS) to manage a user interface, and system peripherals and run high-level applications. Even critical operations like updating the display, accepting user input, transferring data via Wi-Fi, and managing a wide array of onboard peripherals were handled or managed by GPOS on the portable handheld devices. It was possible because devices were not used to manage sensors or provide any real-time control traditionally. 

With time, things changed as well as the requirements of the portable handheld devices changed. Today, the performance of the devices has increased or improved due to the emergence of power efficient, high peripheral count, and graphically capable ARM microprocessors. 

These technology trends might work great with GPOS but they show more feasibility with RTOS platforms, especially GUI-based devices. The result is better with easy operations. 

What should you know when using RTOS on portable handheld devices?

When utilizing RTOS to run a portable device, it requires a combination of real-time determinism for critical operations and making the GUI responsive. Here, you will find that determinism takes priority over the GUI. This ensures that GUI-type operations don’t stress the processor. The use of lower resolution displays and simple graphics minimize GUI processing requirements. 

The thing is high streaming video doesn’t work well within this environment but everything depends on the processing needed for real-time critical operations. Most importantly, you should take care of the user input such as touch events. It should be handled reliably and without noticeable delay. 

These are the guidelines that should be strictly followed for the unexpected performance of portable handheld devices. By following these guidelines, the use of the RTOS platform simplifies or even makes portable device design for certain types of applications. The applications include instrumentation in various industrial, medical, and military applications. 

The benefits of using RTOS on portable handheld devices are that it decreases device verification and validation test costs and effort across defined use cases, comer cases, and exception handling. And all because of its determinism and level of processor control. 

Know the basic characteristics of RTOS platforms 

Determinism – Determinism means the timing of a certain operation guaranteed within a specified margin of error within a maximum period. In RTOS, determinism means sampling the sensor or updating controlled output. With this, data might exhibit excessive noise or jitter. 

Low latency- Latency means the delay within a system that should be minimized often, especially in safety applications. This can be explained using an automobile example. If the automotive sensor detects an object in the front of the moving car, latency minimized between this event and the processor commencing with automatic braking control will make a major difference between a safe stop and an accident. RTOS platforms do this successfully. 

Multi-tasking and synchronization – Operating systems are used for multitasking and synchronization and they execute these tasks effectively and efficiently. With RTOS, multiple sensors and control signals are managed and synchronization of tasks takes place. The RTOS platforms can respond to events across all corners cases. 

RTOS on portable handheld devices is a great step. But, make sure you work with the right service provider. 





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