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We know what you’re thinking: What in the world is metaverse marketing? As if it’s not enough to keep up with all the marketing trends these days, now you have to do it in a completely different realm and plane of existence, the Metaverse.


If you’re on Facebook, whether for personal or business matters, you’ve probably come across this concept. It’s easy to brush it off as another new game that’s based on Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality, but it’s easily one of the coolest and most exciting things to come in the near future. NFTs were only the start, universe-building is the new beginning for marketing. So, if you’re considering getting started on your metaverse strategy for your business, read on.

The Metaverse
By definition, the metaverse is a virtual world where one can own virtual property. Think Minecraft and Monopoly only you can own different kinds of assets like land, art, buildings, and more!

While “Meta” is technically owned by Facebook, there are other universes or metaverses that are owned and developed by different brands and platforms, many of which are being developed alongside blockchain technology. Just the same, there will be a rise in decentralized platforms where more users can gain access to their specific world.

It’s hard to define something that’s still currently being built. Even Facebook or Meta havn’t even completely given the world the lowdown on what their ‘metaverse’ will actually encompass. That being said, getting an early start will surely benefit you in the long run. Don’t worry, we’ll help you along the way.

So how should you go about marketing your products and services while incorporating this newest innovation that will soon be the norm within the next 5 to 10 years?

Metaverse Marketing Essentials
There are countless ways to go about putting your brand in the metaverse- and that’s half of the fun of it! While there’s literally a whole world out there to explore, you also should remember that you can actually build it and define it.

The rise of the digital world truly opens doors and opportunities to emerging technologies and solutions. Being the first to normalize them will put you as a pioneer for the age of the metaverse.

To get started, let us share with you the 3 pillars that make an effective metaverse strategy.

Make Your Own Branded NFTs
Your branded Non Fungible Tokens will serve as your main drivers for brand awareness. Having your own NFT in the metaverse isn’t a new concept. In fact, it’s the opposite. The reason there is a significant increase in interest for NFTs is that more world-renowned brands are looking to develop their own soon. So why shouldn’t you?

NFTs in the metaverse are practically essential. They not only provide an opportunity for revenue but are also a key to increasing your market share. The key in developing your own NFT is knowing your brand and your audience to produce a line that will resonate with them.

Acquire Virtual Real Estate
Having your own space in the metaverse will be key to building your own little virtual world. Why? Because it will give you the freedom to define your own ‘establishment.’ Yes, that also means you can do whatever you want with it- they basically function the same as physical real estate.

Think of offline marketing campaigns and implement it for your metaverse strategy. Hold events, concerts, meet and greets, and more! The limit is your imagination. The metaverse may be the avenue your audience has been waiting for to solidify your community and niche.

Offer Games
It won’t be enough to have space for your marketing efforts in the metaverse. There has to be something to pull them and make them spend time in your metaverse. Give them a reason to stay and actually enjoy your virtual world – so gamify! Offering fun opportunities for interaction and engagement not only makes a fun experience for them but also gives you an opportunity to know them better.

Always offer options that will stay true to your brand and audience. While there is still so much more the ever-growing and changing realm of the metaverse but this will do as a simple guide when getting into building your first metaverse strategy as a brand.

Need professional help with your metaverse marketing? Contact ISA Group today – their web3 experts will be able to help you put together a solid strategy so you can take part in this technological revolution!

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