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Partnering with a complete product education platform that has all the capabilities of a promotional video production company can be the difference between successful product marketing or a product that fades into obscurity. Whether it’s informing potential customers so they know how your product works before making their purchase or strategically using influencers in promotional content, the right video production services are essential. Here are four services to prioritize when choosing a partner for promotional videos.

Informing, Not Influencing

Look for a video creative agency or product education platform that focuses on informing, not influencing. Customer education is essential in a world of misinformation. Unfortunately, many influencers don’t even use the products they promote, and hollow promotion doesn’t translate to effective product education. Look for a partner that will match your product with an expert in your industry. Since they use your product, they are the ideal source for teaching potential customers how to get the most out of it. They can explain tips and tricks, use cases, and generally manage their expectations about the product.

Strategically Using Influencers

Do influencers still have a role in content that’s truly educational? The answer is yes. Rather than scripted promotion, their role should be to extend reach. An industry expert can collaborate with an influencer to create a video teaching them everything they need to know about your product. The influencer acts as a surrogate, learning along with potential customers while extending your brand’s reach. Many consumers believe influencers don’t actually use the products they promote. So, having an influencer appear alongside an industry expert with real-world experience is the perfect way to combine informative content while reaching new audiences.

Authentic, Qualified Reviews

You will also want to prioritize video production services that feature reviews. An expert’s review of your product will carry more weight than a random customer. Plus, it’s much harder to fake video reviews than it is for a bot to create a written review on a retail site. Consumers crave authenticity, so letting a professional create a qualified review based on their years of hard-earned experience can help educate potential customers and build trust. Let the expert create an unscripted review, comparing your product with competitor offerings. It shows your brand deems authenticity above everything.

Multi-Channel Distribution

How does your partner distribute the content to make sure consumers see it? You want multi-channel distribution so your customers can see this educational content however they choose to shop. This could be a QR code that lets them watch a quick video demonstration of your product while in the aisle of a store or that directs them to reviews of your product online. The more ways educational content about your product can reach a potential customer, the better. A content education platform with video production services and full-service media distribution capabilities can help here. Their team can leverage networks and partnerships to create an omni-channel journey for consumers. This helps ensure they see the videos at the right time, allowing them to make an informed purchase decision.

About The Desire Company

Building genuine brand loyalty is a vital part of establishing trust with potential customers. Today’s digital marketplace is full of fake reviews and misinformation, and the FTC is cracking down on them. Plus, celebrities’ and paid influencers’ credibility is declining. As a result, consumers value honest advice and helpful feedback from reputable sources more than ever. The Desire Company goes beyond strategies like product endorsements from paid influencers, celebrities, and fake experts. They’re more than just a creative agency or video production company. The Desire Company is a complete product education platform. The Desire Company is a complete product education solution that combines content strategy, expert vetting, and matching with their vast Pro Community, video embed technology, and media distribution to keep your audience informed, not influenced.

Learn how your brand can utilize The Desire Company’s video production services and more at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3RWnEyi

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