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(Source: Flickr)

Fishing overseas is a great way to improve skill and fishing dexterity, alongside opening up your net to a world of new species of fish and marine life that isn't so accessible from home. As the UK fishing season opens up and many locals flock towards both coarse and sea fishing hotspots, it’s time to gather the essentials and plan your next UK based fishing adventure.

From rod licenses to a diverse selection of baits for improved catching ability, here are our five essential tips that will see you fishing the UK waters like a local.

Invest In A Rod License 

Before you pack up your bags and head down to the lake, one of the most important essentials to obtain before you travel is your rod fishing license. Issued by the British government, a rod licence allows you to fish in all public fishing spots across England and Wales. 

When fishing either salmon, trout, freshwater fish, smelt or eel with a rod and line in, you’ll need a license to back up your credibility as a UK fisherman.

Better still, for eco-conscious fishers, the money from your rod license is used to directly improve the fishing scene for a sustainable future. The money from your rod license goes to the Environment Agency, who use it to improve the waterways alongside fish and wildlife habitats. 

UK Fishing Bait

The UK is made up of predominantly coarse fishing and sea fishing, Although coarse fishing is the more popular of the two. Over the years, coarse fishing has produced a wide variety of different bait types, perfect for fishing UK species such as Bream and Carp. Below we have listed some of the most effective Bait options available for a successful catching session.

  • Maggots: Used as the main bait source for most anglers, maggots come in a range of colours and sizes and perform well in most coarse fishing spots. Make sure you pick your type of fly depending on your catch intention. For example, the Bluebottle produces ordinary maggot used for all species of fish as a hook bait, whereas the Greenbottle produces the pinkie, a smaller maggot species that are used to hold the fish in a swim.

  • Worms: Species such as the Big garden Lobworm are great for hooking tricky fish such as a Pike and Birch, working best when cut up and used as an attracter.

  • Seeds & Berries: From sweetcorn to hemp and various berry assortments, the list is endless for seed and berry enthusiasts. In fact, Chub fish often lie beneath large drooping berry branches waiting for any offerings so berries are definitely worth trying if you have them spare.

Weather Essentials 

With UK weather forecasts often being somewhat unpredictable, it is essential that you are prepared with a variety of equipment for a range of weather conditions.

As summer approaches, many coarse fishers invest in polarised sunglasses in order to reduce the water glare caused by the sun. This improves visibility and makes for a more accurate rod cast.

For winter-based fishing, investing in a shelter or a small portable tent is key in order to protect you from showers and keep bait well preserved. In fact, for keen winter fishers, thermal angling clothing that is both waterproof and insulated will allow you to fish for great lengths at a time without feeling the effects of unpredictable weather conditions.

UK Equipment Basics

Fishing in the UK requires certain equipment basics that may differ depending on the type of fish you are trying to catch. Unlike fishing lakes in deep America and Canadian waters, species of fish across UK waters tend to be smaller and require alternative catching techniques.

In terms of a rod, lighter rod structures and small weighted bait holders are ideal for hooking popular coarse fishing species. Light fibreglass poles and rig formations also act well in calmer waters as the ready made-up line with a float and hook allows anglers to perfectly place the bait with minimal disturbance. 

UK Popular Fish Species Guide

Coarse fishing guides are key if you’re looking to spend some time within commercial fisheries across the UK. Not only are they able to improve angling technique, but will guide you on the most popular fish within the waters and provide you with your own personal checklist of species to find while you visit.

(Carp, Source: Flickr)

In order to fish successfully, learning about coarse fish species beforehand will give you a greater breadth of knowledge on their feeding habits and distinctive features that help you to tell them apart. Trust us, not every fish is a carp!

From Bream to Barbel to Carps and Pikes, the list is endless, making a UK based fishing guide all the more important to have by your side as you embark on your UK fishing journey.


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