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Agile methodology is the new trend in the software development industry. A software development company can aim to build a more successful and relevant end product by adopting the Agile approach. Agile ways of working are enabling the software developers to deliver products more in line with customers' requirements.  

Currently, almost each software application development company is banking upon Agile methodologies to reduce waste and risk, and to speed up their delivery. Collaboration, communication, and iteration are the key attributes of agile methodology. The popularity is sprouting so rapidly that around 94% of software organizations and teams now practice agile as stated by VersionOne’s latest State of Agile report.

So, the question is how agile methodology helps in accelerating software development that is being preferred so much by any software development company. Here, putting together seven agile techniques that quicken the software development process.

1. Iterative planning

The agile approach increases flexibility, and this happens because of iterative planning. At the outset of a project, when the understanding about it is at the lowest, creating a comprehensive blueprint is not a very dependable approach. Thereby, Agile methodology overrules this traditional approach and focuses on ‘continuous planning' by adopting on-going inspection and adaptation. This provides the flexibility to change and evolve the direction of the project as the understanding grows and customer's requirements emerge. The approach also provides flexibility to bring in changes in response to the user feedback, current market conditions, stakeholder input, etc.

2. Iterative delivery

Another agile technique is Iterative delivery. This allows a custom software development company like Finoit Technologies to go live with the project virtually at any point in time. This is possible because iterative delivery ensures the completion of individual features and tasks. Adopting a scrum approach, agile software development accomplishes work in short stages known as ‘sprints’. At the end of every sprint, working features are demonstrated to the stakeholders, which not just speed up the feedback loops, but also minimises waste of investment, and provides better control over budgets.

3. User stories

The third agile technique is user stories that add value to the project. The concept is simple here, it is to directly refer to the needs and requirements of the users, communicate it to the stakeholders, then collaborate and discuss to come up with the necessary alteration or addition in the features of the software.

4. Estimation

Reference to user stories states the requirements clearly. Next follows the assessment of requirements and subsequent estimation. The accuracy of estimation can be further safeguarded with a range of agile techniques such as planning poker and affinity estimation.

5. Demonstrations and stand-ups

Agile methodology gives extra importance to provide team members and stakeholders with the chance to regularly appraise the advances in the project through demonstrations, retrospectives, and stand-up features of the Scrum framework. The tasks are divided into small sections, referred to as sprints, usually lasts for 2 weeks and after each sprint, the progress is demonstrated to the stakeholders. This provides the opportunity to capture feedback and incorporate them simultaneously. Stand-ups are practiced regularly throughout the sprint and allow team members to share their daily work status, plans for the day and any blockers they may be facing. This maintains the project momentum.

6. Communication and collaboration

To harness the power of agile, the team(s) of a software development company needs to make a cultural shift, wherein everyone needs to come out of their cocooned workspace and foster effective collaboration. If necessary, the team(s) should be enriched through training programs so that they can collaborate better. Also, they should be provided with requisite tools such as instant messaging systems, project management solutions, etc.

7. Team structures and roles

The agile methodology also focuses on structuring the core team in a more effective way to ensure the efficient delivery of the projects. Many agile frameworks recommend narrowing the core team size to between three and six to maintain focus and velocity. Two key roles of the core team are that of Product Owner, who represents the voice of the user and second that of Scrum Master, who helps optimise the team performance by removing those blockers identified in the daily stand-up, meetings. These two roles do not support the concept of micro-managed team, rather Agile methodology supports the idea of building teams that are empowered to take ownership of tasks and make decisions.


The major benefit of choosing agile techniques by a custom software development company is that it boosts up the productivity level of the company. The agile approach provides the team with clear goals and a specific timeline. Also, the team members have clarity about their particular job roles and tasks. This clear vision leads to increased productivity of the team.



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