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Oregano is one of the most common herbs used in a wide variety of Italian cuisine.However, in recent times, it is also used as oregano oil capsules and as an essential oil that brims with potent chemicals and antioxidants and is effective on health. It's interesting to note that oregano oil works well as a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent as well. In this blog, we will discuss the other health benefits as well. 

Oregano, sometimes referred to as Origanum vulgare is a flowering plant that belongs to the same family as mint. Although it is native to Europe, today it can be found everywhere.

Following are the nine potential benefits of oregano oil – 

Natural antibiotic

Carvacrol, an ingredient in oregano, may aid in the battle against germs. One of the most prevalent infectious agents, Staphylococcus aureus causes illnesses like food poisoning and skin infections. Additionally, studies have suggested that oregano essential oil may be beneficial against some germs that may be resistant to antibiotics. This contains E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which are both frequently responsible for urinary and respiratory tract infections. Oregano oil extract has many of the same chemicals as oregano essential oil and may provide comparable health advantages when taken as a supplement, however further human studies on its effects are required.

May help lower cholesterol

Oregano oil may help decrease cholesterol, according to studies. A study in rats showed that carvacrol, the major ingredient in oregano oil, has been proven to help decrease cholesterol. At the end of the 10 weeks, the mice that received carvacrol in addition to the high fat food had considerably lower cholesterol levels than the mice who only received the high fat diet. The phenols carvacrol and thymol are thought to be responsible for oregano oil's ability to decrease cholesterol.

Powerful antioxidant

Antioxidants help to fight free radicals. Free radical damage is believed to contribute to aging and the onset of various illnesses, including cancer and heart disease. Free radicals are a byproduct of metabolism and are present everywhere.It was discovered that the antioxidant levels in oregano were 3–30 times higher than those in the other herbs tested, which included thyme, marjoram, and St. John's wort. Oregano also has 42 times more antioxidants per gram than apples and 4 times more antioxidants per gram than blueberries. This is attributed primarily to the presence of rosmarinic acid. You need a lot less oregano oil to get the same antioxidant advantages as you would from fresh oregano because oregano oil extract is so concentrated.

Could help treat yeast infections

Candida is the most well-known yeast and is responsible for the majority of yeast infections around the world. Candida can cause different kinds of infections and it has been seen that oregano oil can be resistant to such yeast growth. According to a test-tube investigation on oregano oil's ability to destroy 16 different strains of Candida, it may be a viable alternative treatment for Candida yeast infections. However, more study is required for a confirmative result.

May improve gut health

Gut parasites may be the source of common symptoms like diarrhoea, discomfort, and bloating. The condition known as “leaky gut,” another prevalent digestive ailment, may also be helped by oregano. This occurs when the gut wall is compromised, enabling poisons and germs to enter the bloodstream. Oregano essential oil shielded the gut wall from harm and kept it from becoming “leaky” in pig-based research. Additionally, the quantity of E. coli bacteria in the intestines was decreased.

May have anti-inflammatory properties

According to research, oregano oil may lessen inflammation. In one study on mice, oregano and thyme essential oils were observed to lower inflammatory markers in rodents with experimentally induced colitis. It has also been demonstrated that carvacrol, one of the essential oregano oil constituents, reduces inflammation.In one study, mice with swollen paws or ears were directly treated with various amounts of carvacrol. Carvacrol decreased edoema in the paws and ears by 35-61% and 33-43%, respectively.

Could help relieve pain

Researchers have looked into the pain-relieving potential of oregano oil.It was shown that oregano essential oil greatly decreased pain in rats, having effects comparable to those of fenoprofen and morphine, two of the most widely prescribed painkillers. The study suggested that carvacrol is probably responsible for these eventualities. In a related study, it was discovered that oregano extract decreased pain in rats and that the reaction was dose-dependent, meaning the rats' perception of pain decreased as they ingested more oregano extract.

May have cancer-fighting properties

A few studies have suggested that carvacrol, may have anti-cancer effects. Carvacrol has shown encouraging outcomes against lung, liver, and breast cancer cells in test-tube investigations on cancer cells. It has been demonstrated that it has the property to inhibit the proliferation of the cells. Although the data is encouraging, no human studies have been conducted, necessitating more studies.

May help you lose weight

Carvacrol, which is present in oregano, may help with weight loss.In one experiment, mice were given one of three diets: a regular diet, a high-fat diet, or a high-fat diet containing carvacrol. In comparison to individuals who only had a high fat diet, those who received carvacrol along with their high fat diet gained noticeably less weight and body fat. Carvacrol also seems to halt the progression that creates fat cells. Oregano oil might be worth attempting as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle, but further research is required to prove its function in weight loss.

What does oregano oil do for you?

Both oregano oil extract and oregano essential oil are easily available and reasonably priced.Oregano contains a higher concentration of antioxidants than any of the majority of fruits and vegetables and is also rich in phenols. Along with other ailments, oregano includes chemicals that may be useful in treating bacterial and fungal infections, inflammation, and discomfort. Overall, it has a number of health advantages and could be helpful as a home remedy for various common health issues.


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