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If you’re a project manager or an architect, you understand how hard it is to accurately track your employees’ time. The industry has many different workflows and tools, so I thought it would be helpful if I put together a guide of some of my favorite timesheet software for architects out there today. All of these are web-based applications designed for architects, but they can all help other professions as well. Timesheets are essential in ensuring that client work gets completed on schedule and within budget; any one of these three (or four) apps can help make sure that happens. Let’s get started!

Why do you need to track time?

If you’re an architect, tracking time is vital. You need accurate timestamps on tasks, for starters—and that’s just one example of how you can leverage timesheets to your advantage. Your business growth and success depend a lot on how much work you get done in a day; if there are dead periods when nothing gets done, it might be because no-one knew what they were supposed to be doing. Effective time tracking is also useful in planning out future milestones and projects; without accurate data from past projects or from actual days in office, it would be difficult for any architect to create realistic budget projections and staffing plans.

How can you track this?

Tracking software development is vital if you want to make sure your project stays on track and comes in on time. You can’t track something that isn’t there, though. If you aren’t there when your contractors are working, then how do you know what they are doing? This is why it’s so important to use a timesheet software system when engineering or architecting. Without one, tracking progress will be harder than it has to be. But with one, everything becomes easier. Let us help! Our platform makes it easy to see just where your team is spending their time each day, including all kinds of additional details like which job sites they’re visiting and how much time they spend at each location. By installing our system into your workflow, you automatically get real-time access to these insights via an easy-to-use dashboard—making information about where everyone is located available anytime you need it.

What are the features you should be looking for?

When it comes to selecting timesheet software for architects, you’ll want something that fits your needs specifically. Architects are unlike any other type of employee, so you’ll need something different from what a general office worker needs.

Here are some features to consider

  • Manage multiple jobsites at once – Many contractors have several work sites going on at one time, so look for an app that allows you to easily organize all of your jobs together.
  • Track employee movements – If your employees travel between job sites each day, you’ll want something that lets them clock in and out with just a tap or two on their phone or tablet.
  • Track productivity throughout the day – For people who sit in an office throughout most of their working hours, days can fly by without taking stock of how productive they actually were.

A good timesheet app will help break up work into smaller chunks of time to help you determine where exactly your productivity is lacking. Sync across devices – Having problems entering data because you forgot your laptop at home? This problem goes away if you invest in an app that syncs with mobile devices. Accessibility anywhere – Since your team members likely won’t always be using their laptops when they clock in or out, make sure there’s a way to access everything right from their phones. Look for apps that offer web access as well as downloadable software packages.


In conclusion, timesheet software is one of those tools that can bring a lot of productivity and efficiency to your project management—especially when it comes to keeping track of how much time you’re spending on client projects. But not all timesheets are created equal; each piece of software was developed with different goals in mind. Understanding what your needs are and finding a software package that meets those criteria will make sure you and your team get through your days (and nights) with as little fuss as possible.


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