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While choosing any technology, one must keep in mind the benefits and disadvantages of that technology, as well as the requirements of your business, to determine whether or not to choose it. If you’re looking into AngularJS and wondering whether or not it’s right for your business, here are the most important advantages and disadvantages of this useful JavaScript framework, as well as why it’s so popular.

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No Pre-requisite knowledge

One of the greatest advantages of using Angular.js, is that it has no pre-requisite knowledge from user side. There are lots of other MVC frameworks out there to choose from, but most require users to have a certain level of pre-existing knowledge before they can become productive with them. This means that you will spend time learning how to use these frameworks instead of writing your app/website. What’s good about Angular.js though, it makes a big leap forward in simplifying front end development by essentially being self-contained since it deals mostly with browser interaction and HTML generation rather than a back end or other external technologies or APIs.

Open source

The popularity of open source software means skilled developers are not as expensive as one might think. You can find a decent front-end engineer for a small project for around $20 an hour, so if you're on a budget but you know exactly what you want, it's sensible to hire someone to write your Angular code for you. And remember, these developers are freelancers with other clients, so be communicative with them. It is imperative to hire angularjs development company someone who has plenty of experience with Angular, can provide you with testimonials, and who is willing to talk to you often during the development process.

Easy to extend

The AngularJS framework was designed from scratch to build complex web applications. It provides developers with many of the same tools that are used for developing desktop and mobile applications, but it does so in a browser environment. This makes it easy to extend existing code or even create new modules that can be integrated into existing projects. Developers will typically find that using only some of AngularJS's features reduces development time significantly. The fact that you can use only a small subset of its capabilities also means that you don't have to know every aspect of what makes up an entire framework in order to get started, which is especially helpful for beginners who may feel overwhelmed by other frameworks' capabilities. Also, a beginner has less room for error because they're relying on fewer tools, which again reduces complexity.

Also Read: How ValueCoders developed an online E-Commerce trading website Application using Angular?

Easy to test

The first advantage of using angularjs is its ability to write end-to-end testing. The testing framework of angularJS makes it easy to test any kind of application. Any type of application can be tested with ease. The MVC structure leads a clear path for code reusability which makes testing easier. Without angularJs, you have to rewrite a lot of your code every time you test them while using angular, you just focus on your core logic without worrying about how or when you are supposed to change things up. It also provides built in support for mocks and stubs that allow us to mock third party services in our tests. This makes testing even more simple as we don’t need to wait till those services get back to us before we can proceed further. As angularJS uses dependency injection by default, all its dependencies can be mocked easily so that they behave like normal data instead of real data during tests. This helps us simulate various scenarios quickly with less effort than ever before possible before. If you want some examples then check out the ngMock module here .

Great MVC

Another great reason to use MVC is that it makes it very easy to hire angularjs developers. The skills you need in an Angular developer are a bit different than what you’d look for in a Rails, Java or PHP developer. It’s still important to hire good developers (and no, outsourcing doesn’t always work), but an MVC framework may attract some of them who wouldn’t have otherwise looked at your project because they already know how to use its syntax. Once you get past all of these benefits of using a development platform, perhaps one day all apps will be built with Angular. But for now, let's talk about why we actually should avoid it.

Less secure

AngularJS isn’t known for its tight security. There have been recent, major vulnerabilities that resulted in data theft, which has led to poor press for Angular. These should be taken seriously because they are indicative of a larger problem. With every website using some sort of code, it’s important to pay attention to updates and patches as they come out so that your site doesn’t become a victim of malicious users. The vulnerabilities were reportedly fixed in March 2015, but not before many high-profile sites were affected by them. Paying attention to security flaws will keep you from suffering from those same issues—and make it easier for you to hire developers who can help shore up any other weaknesses you discover along the way.

No specific way

AngularJs’ features for code reuse, simplicity of development process, improved testing. Its disadvantages are that it uses a different MVC concept (MVW), more verbose as compared to other frameworks. Additionally, it is still new with a growing community. It also has not been fully adopted by big enterprises which would have to hire developers who can implement AngularJS. On the other hand, its benefits and ease of use make it suitable for start-ups looking to develop a product quickly. Thus angularjs is popular among start-ups where quick development is required but lack of skilled resources hampers faster progress in terms of speed and accuracy. Also given its cross platform capabilities like working on mobile devices or web applications, makes it very useful in today's scenario where users expect your application to be available on any device at any time using same experience across all platforms. This helps user retention as well.


JavaScript, or JS for short, has been around for nearly two decades. It was first introduced in 1995 by Brendan Eich as part of Netscape Navigator 2.0, and has since become a standard feature of most web browsers. The JavaScript code that developers use to create their web pages isn't actually executable, it's just plain text that identifies what should be displayed when your browser loads up a given page. Although some argue that learning to read JS code is similar to learning a secret language, learning how to program in JavaScript can be incredibly valuable if you're interested in developing your own website or apps in addition to writing professional posts like these!

Not supported everywhere

JavaScript libraries are extremely common, but not all browsers support them. Browser support can be a problem when you're building applications for clients with strict guidelines about which browsers they'll support, as not all users have updated their browser in a long time. This is less of an issue today than it was in years past, but it's still something to be aware of when you’re working on applications that will be used by many people from different platforms and backgrounds. If one person can't use your application because they don't have a supported browser, then your application has failed for them—no matter how well designed or functional it may be.

Memory leakage

Modern browser’s JavaScript engines are getting better about managing memory over time, but even so, you’ll probably find that you run into memory leaks every now and then. If your application needs to be extensible or makes heavy use of third-party plugins, you might also find that you need to do some manual garbage collection on occasion as well. Basically, it’s something worth being aware of if there’s a chance your application will be doing continuous or heavy work for long periods of time. You can try using Google Chrome’s heap snapshot tool , which enables you to see how much memory your browser is actually using.

Also Read: Top 20 Latest AngularJS Development Tools




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