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Small and medium businesses (SMBs) have to operate lean and mean to be successful and that’s why they cannot afford downtime. They have to manage daily demands while ensuring their systems are always up and running. Technology is a huge part of that puzzle and it’s important to have a plan in place for when things go wrong. That’s where managed IT services can help.

Defined as specialized IT services delivered by an external provider on a proactive or reactive basis, these services can take many different forms. Keeping with our SMB focus, we’ll explore the benefits of two common approaches: proactive managed services and reactive break-fix services.

Before we jump in, it’s important to understand that there is no “one size fits all” solution when it comes to IT services. The best approach for your business will depend on several factors, including your budget, staffing, and company culture. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at proactive managed services vs reactive break-fix.

The Advantages of Proactive Managed Service vs Reactive Brake-Fix

Stability and Expertise

Predictable IT costs

Managed services convert variable IT expenses linked to the break-fix or reactive mode of support into fixed prices for proactive support. It allows businesses to better forecast and manage their technology budgets on a month-to-month basis. So you don't get a hit with unexpected IT bills when things go wrong.

Legitimate Training

The cost of continuing education and certification, on top of hiring and training an IT staff, may put a small company owner's finances to ruin. If you are not well versed in IT yourself, you will likely have to rely on the expertise of others. Don't let the unqualified “computer guy” do your IT work. With an IT support specialist, you can be sure that they know what they're doing and will stay up-to-date on the latest technology.

Real-World Experience

Outsourcing your IT needs to a managed service provider (MSP) gives you access to a team of technology experts with years of experience working with businesses like yours. They have seen it all and done it all, so they know what works and what doesn’t. This allows them to quickly identify and solve problems before they cause major disruptions.

Risk Reduction and a Level Playing Field

A Safe Bet

Every business investment comes with a certain amount of risk, as market trends, government rules, financial situations, and technologies all shift rapidly. Working with trusted IT experts can help you minimize those risks and make informed decisions about your technology investments.

A Real Competitive Edge

Small and medium-sized enterprises can't afford to match the robust in-house support services that larger businesses have. However, with a managed service provider, they can get many of the same benefits at a fraction of the cost. It provides access to enterprise-level technology and support that levels the playing field and gives them a real competitive edge.

Compliance That Counts

Is your business compliant with the latest industry regulations? Do you audit and document your IT systems regularly? If not, you are placing your business at risk. Small to medium-sized businesses are often the target of compliance audits because they are perceived to be easy prey.

With an increase in transaction-based businesses, the requirements for compliance have become more stringent. MSPs can help you meet and exceed compliance standards, ensuring that your business is protected.

Managed Services: Low Cost, High Value

Proactive Approach = Resolution Before Crisis

When it comes to monitoring and maintenance, the software may detect faults before they impact employee productivity. Everyone can rest easy knowing that potential problems are being dealt with before they cause any situation to turn into a crisis.

Uniform Application of the Optimal Resource

The most cost-effective, highly qualified experts are assigned to recognize problems first, while more complicated issues are passed on to higher-level resources in a fluid and seamless way, allowing for a quick resolution.

Fast Response Regardless of Priority

There are multiple levels of support with response times that are appropriate to the urgency of the problem. The proactive approach of managed services means that a significant amount of problems are resolved before they become an issue. An immediate impact is made on productivity. The longer-term impact is a significant reduction in the total number of support incidents.

Break-Fix: High Cost, Low Value

Reactive Approach = Crisis Management

A break-fix model is a reactive approach to IT, which means that problems are only addressed when they occur. This can lead to significant disruptions in employee productivity, as well as increased costs associated with trying to fix the problem after it has already caused damage.

Lack of Expertise

In many cases, the person who is tasked with fixing the problem is not necessarily an expert in the field. This can lead to a trial-and-error approach that is time-consuming and often ineffective.

Inefficient Use of Resources

The break-fix model often leads to inefficient use of resources, as businesses are often left scrambling to find the right person with the right skills to fix the problem. It can be an expensive and time-consuming process.

The Final Word

The never-ending debate of proactive vs. reactive IT support is one that is likely to continue for years to come. The value of each approach depends on the specific needs of the business. Proactive IT support takes the complexity out of IT support and can save businesses time and money in the long run. However, reactive IT support may be necessary for businesses that have a complex IT infrastructure or that require a higher level of customization. The best way to determine which approach is right for your business is to consult with an IT consultant service professional. They will be able to evaluate your specific needs and advise you on the best course of action.


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