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Best Woocommerce Development Practices To Follow In 2022 and Coming Years

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Congratulations that you have finally chosen Woocommerce to develop an e-commerce store for your business. With this decision, you will get a website that delivers high-quality results and a flawless experience of running an online store. You will get an eCommerce website that delivers the highest quality user experience and pulls more traffic. With some best practices related to Woocommerce development, you will easily maximize your returns and get the best benefit from your ecommerce store. This post will discuss some best practices to comply with when building a Woocommerce store for your business.

A Good Hosting Plan Is Critical

Right from the beginning, a business owner should focus on choosing a good hosting plan. This factor has a huge role in determining the user experience that your online store would deliver. There are some choices available, but you should focus on those prioritizing website speed and efficiency. Research is mandatory before choosing a hosting plan and the top factors to consider are the cost, ability to scale, security of customer data and the speed that it offers. This should be followed by the updates that they are offering and finally, opt for a hosting plan that has sufficient bandwidth and memory to offer.

Add An SSL Certificate

Experts involved in offering Woocommerce support services recommend that once issues related to a good hosting provider are settled, it is the right time to add additional encryption to protect your business and visitor’s data. For this, you will have to install SSL certificate on the web server and this certificate is mainly a file that connects your business details with a cryptographic key. This SSL certificate is crucial in terms of Woocommerce development because security and data safety has always been the two major concerns in terms of ecommerce websites. With this certificate, you will safely process sensitive details of your customers like personal data, login details and most importantly, credit card and debit card data.

Keep Up With The Updates

If regular updates are missed in terms of Woocommerce as well as WordPress, your website will not be able to run efficiently and attract traffic. Its search engine ranking would also go down no matter how much efforts Woocommerce SEO experts put in the SEO campaigns. Therefore, it's important that all the updates offered by Woocommerce and WordPress are installed in the website to fix bugs, resolve conflicts and finally, enhance your security. With these updates, you also experience a better browsing experience and that enhances the position of your website in search engine result pages.

Avoid Any Security Risks

Installing SSL certificates doesn't mean that you can now stay carefree about the safety and security of your website. Even if these certificates are installed, you need to remain conscious and alert at every single moment because a database breach can occur any time to damage your e-commerce website’s reputation. The suspicion should always be there on every foreign interference or activity taking place on the server. Latest security related updates should never be skipped and you need to make sure that whatever plugins, themes and other things that you are using are all fully updated and compatible. If any issues arise, don't forget to run tests and do a manual backup. It is a terrible experience to lose all the information and data you have and this can be prevented by implementing security measures.

Data Security Is Crucial

Security related concerns are genuine and this is why Woocommerce development experts focus more on security than any other factor of the ecommerce website creation process. The reason is that online stores collect a lot of information from customers and they always find it really tough to keep that data safe. Data safety can be ensured by a number of small steps and most of them are mentioned above like choosing the right hosting provider and then, installing SSL certificates and so on. Apart from this, there are several safety and security plugins that experts recommend using in their Woocommerce support services. Using these plugins will give you several facilities like – 

  • Protection against anyone attempting to access your site forcefully
  • Timely alerts anytime someone tries to log in to your website repeatedly
  • A limit on who can access the site, and reports on how many times they attempt to log in
  • Scanning services for any suspicious code for data breach
  • Backups and restoration for your site
  • Spam protection
  • A limit to who can access sensitive directories via ftp

Apart from SSL certificates and safety plugins, you should also use strong passwords for total assurance regarding data security and website's safety. These passwords should never include first names of your children, anniversaries, birth dates and so on. You need to be creative in choosing the password and if you are facing troubles choosing the right password, you can choose online tools that will recommend you stronger passwords for your Woocommerce website. For additional safety, you can include two-factor authentication in your website, where Google will use 2 level like your mobile number and email address.

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