1. Design

Biggest Mistakes To Avoid During Website Redesigning Projects

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Your website is the virtual face of your business to this world, and this face needs frequent makeovers to match the audience's expectations and comply with Google standards. This is also given the name of website redesigning, and for this makeover or redesigning, the services of a WordPress design services agency are mandatory, and at the same time, one more essential thing is ensuring that no mistakes are committed during redesigning.

Mistakes are prevalent as people often ignore industry’s requirements and focus on website’s renovation and its looks. In this post here, we have come up with some major mistakes that should be avoided during the website and also the harm that they could cause.


It is recommended to avoid these mistakes, as they could cause significant damage to your ultimate goal of having a website. For example – the website ranking would go down, and also, fewer and fewer people will show their interest in your website. Some other damages are listed below:

  • You will lose leads – your potential clients
  • Your marketing efforts will go to waste
  • Your brand can get discredited
  • You’ll be giving undue advantage to your competitors
  • Your business can close down

Some people think that redesigning is easy and they will just need the services of a web design India company to initiate this process. But as said above, apart from the services of a web designing company, there are some disastrous mistakes to be avoided at all costs.



If your web designer is following his gut feeling or the opinions made on YouTube videos, the redesigning process will be a disaster. It is essential that previous analytics on the current design is checked, as they will give an answer to why revamping and redesigning is needed. Google Analytics is the best tool in this pursuit that will reveal the weaker points of your website that are increasing the bounce rate. You can work on those points and prioritize their revamping, redesigning and, then in last, you can think about changing the overall face of the website.


As the biggest user of your website, you should direct your WordPress developers for hire to test the website thoroughly. This testing, apart from going through Google analytics, will help you understand the following parts of your website:

  • Functionality
  • Testing third-party integrations
  • Setting up 301 redirects
  • Cross-browser testing in the computer, tablet, and mobile phone
  • Checking for on-page SEO
  • Grammar and spelling check
  • Load speed check

Testing these things is essential before the web design India professionals initiate the redesigning process, as they will have an exact idea of what elements to work on during the revamping. This testing however, doesn't stop here, and these experts should perform the same test right before and after the website is relaunched.


Testing and Google analytics are the two most important steps during the redesigning process, but if scalable goals are not set after these steps, both would be useless. Testing and Google analytics give you data on the problems that have to be solved and the challenges that have to be addressed. From here, the WordPress design services agency professionals should set a goal for the redesigning process and determine the time and budget involved in this process.


A very common mistake that web designers and web developers for hire commit is that they start prioritizing aesthetics and looks over functionality. This is the wrong approach, and experts say that functionality should be the top priority, followed by visual appeal. The goal of the professionals should be to ensure that the website works better than what it was doing earlier, and then, they can focus on the looks and overall aesthetics and appearance.

As far as the website's performance is concerned, they have to ensure that the navigation is easy and unnecessary pages are removed or, at least, merged with other pages as supplementary content.

Apart from this, not setting and calculating the overall redesigning budget is another grave mistake that should be avoided. This budget can be set realistically after Google's statistics and testing process, and the fees of the web designer have to be considered as well. Also setting the time frame for the project is also helpful when it comes to completing the website redesign process successfully and well within the deadlines.

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