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React-Native Hooks are functions that were introduced in React Native and it lets users hook into React Native's React Native lifecycle and state features using the functional elements. Hire React Native Developer and hooks can't be used on classes that implement React Native functions without classes. The reason for this is because classes are built-in with lifecycle and state features, which functional components do not have. It is now a question of how to utilize the same state and lifecycle in functional components and classes.

The role of hooks as it permits the creation and construction of each component functional components. React Native Hooks are added features in the Version 16.8 of React Native, and it permits the use of React Native features without classes. With hooks your mobile application development is lower, but it also doesn't function within the class.

The role of React-Native Hooks: Why hooks?

It offers you a variety of ways to accomplish similar things.

  • A lower level of complexity in lifecycle processes.
  • Codes that are less complicated. No need to mapDispatchToprops, mapStateToProps with Redux.
  • React-Native Hooks eliminates confusion caused by”this” as a keyword “this” keyword.
  • React Native Hooks lets you reuse logic without altering the structure of the component hierarchy.
  • Employ a native developer of react and also these hooks help you arrange the stateful logic of components into distinct components that can be reused.

List of React-Native Hooks


  • UseState
  • UseEffect
  • useContext


  • useReducer
  • UseCallback
  • UseMemo
  • UseRef
  • Use Imperative Handle
  • useLayoutEffect
  • useDebugValue


It is a React Native hook is like this.state() in the case of class. Therefore, we employ UseState for mobile application service development in place of this.state() to update states values. In this case, unlike classes, the state is not an object. The process is started by calling UseState with a value that is a string or a number. If you want to keep several values you must use the function().

Syntax: Const[data, setData] = value of useState( value ).


UseEffect React Native Hook is worked on as per class lifecycle componentWillUnMount, componentDidMount, and componentdidUpdate.

Employ a native developer of React This hook only to render components and modify the significant value of the state variable. It can accept arguments and doesn't return any information. This is the function used to store the code we want to execute at the running time. The second argument is an optional argument for when we wish to run React Native Hooks. If you do not provide any arguments for this argument, then the function will be invoked each time you update or mount.

UseEffect reacts natively, which is an effect that is a second. It can be used to alter the state value, as well as for the event-handler.


The React Native hook is another essential one for mobile app development services if unfamiliar with the API of React Native.

Let's examine the subject. Think about mobile app development service that has numerous components. Within the component that is the parent, there are many child components. The forwarding of props between the nested components is difficult. It is also inefficient, causing issues creating code that is more difficult to understand. This is why we have a solution which can be found in the Hook for UseContext via which data is directly passed directly to the component without going through any levels. So go Hire react native developer.

const value = useContext(MyContext);


This further React Native hook is for the management of state. Employ native developers who are react native as well as UseReducer is alternative to UseState.

Below is a comparison of the differences between UseState and. UseReducer.

The application of React Native hook depends on the state you want to use. If it is necessary to make use of Boolean, number value or string , then you should use UseState. However, if it's an array or object, then use UseReducer.

In another case the same way, it's dependent on the total amount of changes. Employ a native developer of react and if there are only one or two times, make use of UseState If there are several updates, you can use UseReducer.

It also depends on the business logic used for state transitions. If one is performing complicated transitions such as transferring values from one version to another, then you should use UseReducer.

The fourth distinction is determined by local or global state. If the state of one's is local, then UseState. If it's not, then UseState If it's global, then choose UseReducer.


Syntax: import React useMemo, from'react'

Utilizing the UseMemo React Native hook is similar to the UseCallback hook. This is because UseCallback is used to send callbacks that are memorized in contrast to UseMemo is for a memorized values. Therefore, if you are creating mobile apps that react native development service and must process lots of data, this UseMemo hook is the better choice. It first renders in the app , then the cache value is returned every time. If you need the Username to be passed each time within this mobile app development services component, then you can utilize UseMemo to send it in one time. Hire a native developer of react and using this state value , it will be stored in memory and should one want to utilize this value, it will be much faster and more simple.




}, [dependencies])

Be sure to set the parameter as an empty array when using UseMemo. Otherwise the memorization process doesn't occur. When one passes an argument, it does so in the array.


If you are needing assistance in creating an React Native Application with the aid of hooks, then get in touch with us to discuss the issue. Hire React native Developers  from us because we have a worldwide reputation and have the top well-versed experts in the field with top-of-the-line experience. To grow your business online as well as mobile application development service expand with us.

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