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Games To Choose For Online Matka Play

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There are numerous Satta Matka markets in today’s time. Matka games have been popular and players can place their bets in any market. Even on online Matka play sites that are reliable and genuine, you can place your bets in any of these markets. While the experts have their own preferences and choices for the games they like the best or the games they feel comfortable playing, for the newer players and amateurs, making the right choice can be tricky.


In this blog, we have discussed three of the best Matka games that you can choose no matter what your skill and experience levels are. For the best Matka gaming experience, choosing these games is ideal and most effective. All you need to do is choose the right  site and start placing your bets.


The Three Best Matka Games You Can Play

In a crowd of Matka markets and Satta Matka games, we have shortlisted the three best Matka games which will be perfect for Matka players in the beginners level as well as a preferred choice amongst the more seasoned players of the games. Check them out.


Kalyan Matka

Kalyan Matka is one of the oldest running games in the Satta Bazar. The game was founded by Mr. Kalyan Ji Bhagat in the year of 1964. Kalyan Ji Bhagat and Mr. Ratan Khatri are the joint and complete owners of Kalyan Satta Bazar. The Kalyan Matka office is located in Mumbai and operates from there as well. There are over 20000 people working in the Kalyan Matka office and the game has a total per day transaction amount exceeding ₹50 crores.


Rajdhani Matka

Another Mumbai-native game in the Satta market, Rajdhani Matka is also quite popular across the country and the game was founded by Mr. Mahendra Saha in 1974 as well. Rajdhani Matka Bazar office is located and operates from Old Mumbai. Rajdhani Matka office has a total strength of 5000 employees along with a daily transaction amount of over ₹45 crores.


Milan Matka

Milan Matka is by far the most popular Matka game after Kalyan Matka and Rajdhani Matka in India. The Milan Matka game was established and started by a person named Mr. Gudu in 1974. Milan Matka Bazaar has its office in the state of Rajasthan and operates from Rajasthan with players across the country who play the game through online Matka play sites. Milan Matka Bazar office employs almost 10000 people and records a total daily transaction amount exceeding ₹30 crores.

Final Words

That brings us to the end of this blog. The three games mentioned above have all been played for almost 50 years or even more and yet they continue to be very popular and preferred. For the best Matka games experience you can start with these games to bet on and then try other games as well. On any reliable online Matka play site like Matka Bull or Laxmi Games, you can place your bets in these Matka Bazars mentioned above.




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