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Types Of Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip replacement surgery is a boon for those people who are always troubled by problems related to the hip. With aging, problems related to the hip begin, and there are dangerous diseases like pain in the hip bone, bone fracture, and deterioration of the bone. In this situation, hip replacement surgery proves to be very beneficial. This surgery gives the person suffering from it a new life.

What is Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip replacement replaces the damaged bone in the hip, also known as a prosthesis. This surgery is considered best for a person of any age, but this surgery is mostly done in people in the age group of 60 to 80 years. After hip replacement surgery, the bones of the hip remain healthy for about 15 years.

Why is hip replacement surgery done?

If a person has arthritis of the hip, the blood supply to the waist has been cut off or reduced, besides there is a serious injury around the hip, when there is a need for hip replacement surgery. Also, sometimes there is an infection in the bones, in which case a hip replacement is needed.

Let us tell you that as per research, people who use substances like cigarettes, alcohol, steroids, or drugs need more hip replacement surgery because the continuous consumption of these things causes the blood vessels to shrink, which leads to blood clotting. The blood flow stops and problems related to the hip arise.

Types of Hip Replacement Surgery

There are 4 types of hip replacement surgery such as-

Total Hip Replacement Surgery

In total hip replacement surgery, the hip joints are replaced with prostheses. This surgery is required when the joint of the hip bone has been damaged or the pain is never-ending and unbearable with the hip bone.

Revision Hip Replacement Surgery

Doctors recommend this surgery to be done when the hip bone is worn out. Revision hip replacement surgery is done to get rid of hip infections and hip injuries.

Unilateral Total Hip Replacement Surgery

Unilateral total hip replacement surgery is done to reduce the problem of pain in the hip so that the patient does not have any problem walking. Let us tell you that when the patient does not get relief from any kind of treatment, then doctors recommend getting unilateral total hip replacement surgery.

Partial Hip Replacement Surgery

In partial replacement surgery, the ball and socket joint in the hip joint are removed and a new prosthesis is placed. This surgery is done when a person has a hip injury.

Things to keep in mind after surgery

There may be some risks after hip replacement surgery, but this risk can be avoided if you take certain precautions after surgery. If you have undergone hip replacement surgery, then keep the following precautions in mind.

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