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When it comes to real property, it is not uncommon to hear the phrase “Fix It and Flip It”. Most upgrades don't yield results. Learn how to strategically renovate your home and which projects will add real value.

How do you know which upgrades are worth the cost and effort? When remodeling your home, it is important to think about four types of projects. These are the basics and curb appeal, as well as value-added.

The basics

Buyers expect the essentials when purchasing a home. It is essential to have a roof that isn't leaky, gutters that are working properly, downspouts, a dry basement, and a reliable furnace. Good walls and floors are essential. Walls that are solid, in good shape, and walls that are functional are equally important. Potential buyers will expect your home to have functioning plumbing and HVAC systems. You might find more bedrooms and bathrooms in upscale properties.

It doesn't mean you have to replace everything. You can focus on smaller, affordable improvements and regular maintenance to keep your property in great condition. This will not increase the property's value if it is in poor condition. This will bring it up to par with other properties in the neighborhood, which will enable you to offer a comparable price. This tip is especially important if you are looking to have renovations done in Ocean Grove.

You shouldn't make unnecessary improvements to your home that aren’t necessary. Not only will you lose money but you may also become a potential buyer's enemy. Before you decide to spend a lot on a major renovation, consider the local competition. You can compare the prices of similar properties in your area to make adjustments based on what you see.

Curb Appeal

You can make your property more attractive to potential buyers by adding curb appeal. While these projects will not increase the value of your home, they can make your property more attractive and help you sell faster. For curb appeal, a well-maintained lawn and low-cost landscaping are key. You can save both time and money by doing these projects yourself. You can get good advice from any local construction company Ocean Grove.

Keep things simple and keep it vanilla. Bold design decisions are not a good idea right now. Accent walls and backsplashes are simple design elements that can bring beauty to your home.

It can also be expensive to install lighting. Lighting can be a costly expense. You want your home to feel bright and inviting, but not so much that it overwhelms the wiring. You can choose recessed or LED lights for a modern upgrade. These projects can be handled by an interior decorator. Make sure you choose affordable options.


Projects that add value are a favorite of Fix-it and Flip-it fans. These projects should be high on the priority list of homeowners. While most of these projects will not be able to recover their costs, others may. The most popular projects that offer the highest return on investment are new siding and kitchen renovations (new countertops, state of-the-art appliances, windows), Many times, they are able to recover as much as 80% of their costs through resale. You can also get a lot of value for your money by updating bathrooms or decks, and making energy-saving improvements.

Personal Preference

Personal preference projects let you choose what items you want and will pay for. These amenities include hot tubs, swimming pools, tennis courts, wine cellars and basement games rooms. A swimming pool is not an asset that increases a property's value. A swimming pool in the ground can be costly. Many homeowners view a pool as both a safety risk, and a hassle. You can't use it for more than a few months of each year, unless you live in a tropical region.

These items can be easily added to your home at a low cost. You shouldn't expect buyers will pay more for these items when you are ready to sell. If you're replacing a popular or old feature in renovations, be careful. If there aren't any other houses in the area with two-car garages, you should reconsider converting your garage to a play area. Do you really want to be the only house in the area with the most parking spots?

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