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How to Add Flutter Custom Border in Any Widget

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Adding a custom border to a widget in Flutter can enhance the visual appeal of your app. Whether you want to add a solid border, a dashed border, or a dotted border, Flutter provides a flexible way to achieve this. In this tutorial, we will explore different methods to add a custom border to any widget in Flutter.

Method 1: Using BoxDecoration

One way to add a custom border to a widget is by using the BoxDecoration class. Here's an example of how you can apply a border to a Container widget:

Container (

  decoration: BoxDecoration(

    border: Border.all(

      color: Colors.black,

      width: 2.0,

      style: BorderStyle.solid,



  child: YourWidget(),


In the above code, we create a Container widget and set its decoration property to a BoxDecoration object. The BoxDecoration allows us to specify the border properties such as color, width, and style. You can customize these properties according to your requirements.

Method 2: Using ClipRRect

Another method to add a custom Flutter border to a widget is by using the ClipRRect widget. The ClipRRect widget clips its child widget to a rounded rectangle shape, allowing us to create a border effect. Here's an example:


  borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0),

  child: Container(

    decoration: BoxDecoration(

      border: Border.all(

        color: Colors.black,

        width: 2.0,

        style: BorderStyle.solid,



    child: YourWidget(),



In the above code, we wrap the Container widget with a ClipRRect widget and set its borderRadius property to create rounded corners. Then, we apply the border using the BoxDecoration as explained in Method 1.

Method 3: Using CustomPainter

If you need more control over the border appearance, you can use the CustomPainter class to create a custom border. Here's an example:

class CustomBorderPainter extends CustomPainter {


  void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {

    final paint = Paint()

      ..color = Colors.black

      ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke

      ..strokeWidth = 2.0;

    final path = Path()

      ..addRect(Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, size.width, size.height));

    canvas.drawPath(path, paint);



  bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) => false;


// Usage:


  painter: CustomBorderPainter(),

  child: YourWidget(),


In the above code, we define a custom CustomPainter class that paints the border using the Canvas and Paint objects. We then use the CustomPaint widget to apply the custom border to our widget.


Adding a custom border to any widget in Flutter is a powerful way to enhance the visual design of your app. In this tutorial, we explored different methods to achieve this, including using BoxDecoration, ClipRRect, and CustomPainter. Feel free to experiment with these techniques and create unique border styles for your widgets.

I hope this tutorial helps you in adding custom borders to your Flutter widgets. Happy coding!


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