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Demands for custom mobile apps are consistently rising. This blog serves as your comprehensive guide through the app development journey, offering insights into every crucial step, from ideation and conceptualization to the eventual app launch. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of software development solutions, exploring project objectives, design strategies, and deployment techniques to empower you in creating an app from scratch. Lets get started.

What to Consider for Mobile App Development?

Before diving into the key steps of making mobile apps, you have to consider some essential factors for successful mobile app development. Key factors include:

1. Market Research & Planning

Determining the mobile app development cost is a crucial aspect of the planning phase.Market research and analysis help to determine the user demands, refine your app concept, and how it will be useful to solve specific user pain points. Apart from that, market research and analysis also help to find your target audiences and allow you to make a better product. After conducting market research, planning comes into play which is essential to define user flows, app structure, and features.

2. Development Approach

When it comes to selecting your app development approach, you have multiple options such as:

Native Mobile App Development: This mainly involves creating separate apps for Android & iOS platforms with the help of platform-specific technologies and programming languages like Swift (iOS) & Kotlin or Java (Android). Native applications provide excellent performance & access to device features. However, it requires more resources & development time.


Cross-platform Development: Cross-platform app development frameworks such as React Native, Xamarin, and Flutter enable you to create code once & run it on both platforms (Android and iOS). Cross-platform app development is known for cost-effectiveness and time efficiency. Creating cross-platforms is a lucrative option for small scale enterprises or startups.


Progressive Web Applications: PWA is a type of web application that provides an excellent user experience like native applications. They are highly accessible through browsers & do not require any installation. Progressive Web Apps are a great choice for those who need a smooth user experience with broad accessibility and simple requirements.

Hybrid Development: Hybrid mobile apps are a blend of native & web applications. They are mostly designed with web technologies such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Different platforms like Ionic and Apache Cordova are used to facilitate hybrid mobile app development.

3. Design and Development:

A well-crafted mobile app is important for user satisfaction. Visually appealing interface and intuitive app features play a vital role in achieving the app’s success. For better design, you need to consider some factors like typography, icons, color schemes, navigation, etc. After your app UI/UX design, you need to focus on prototyping.


It enables you to properly test the basic functionalities of your app and helps you collect feedback from your users. With some tools like InVision, Sketch, or Adobe XD, you can easily create interactive prototypes. After a well-structured app design and prototype, you can move on to mobile application development. Proper project management and regular communication are essential to keep the app making process on track.

How to Create an App From Scratch?

Making an application with basic features and functionalities involves several steps like planning, design and development, testing, and so on. Some of the most crucial steps include:

Step 1: Define Your Project Objectives

The first stage of mobile app development is to define all your project objectives clearly. It will help you determine your app idea and know your user demands. You can consider the following questions:

  • What problem would you like to solve through your app?
  • Who will be your target audience?
  • What features would you like to focus on?
  • How will your application be different from your competitors?


Experts suggest you conduct deep market research to thoroughly study the market values & your competitors. You should also define the value proposition of your app and build a detailed document that outlines the design, user experience, and functionality of your app.

Step 2: Start Planning for App Development

Once you’ve done your market research, you have to focus on planning for your app development process. All you need to start by making a proper roadmap with the below factors:

  • Development Platforms: First, you need to define the tech stacks like frameworks, databases, and programming languages and platforms like Android or iOS you would like to use in making the application. 
  • User Stories: You need to split the functionality of your app into manageable and smaller features or user stories. This will help you clearly understand your project scope and prioritize major tasks.
  • Prototype and Wireframes: Create prototypes and wireframes to visualize the user interface & user experience of your application. Major tools like Adobe XD, Figma, and Sketch are helpful for making the prototypes. 
  • Resources & Budget: Determine the resources and budget required for your project. App development cost usually depends on complexity levels, app features, developers’ charges, etc. Ask your app development company for detailed and accurate cost estimation.

Step 3: Design Your Application

A well-designed and feature-rich app is crucial to grab more users and retain them. Start working on the interactive aspects and visual elements of your mobile app by following below steps:

  • UI/UX Design: Design a user-friendly and intuitive interface. Ensure that UI/UX design will perfectly align with the overall brand identity & will be consistent across every device.
  • Graphic Assets: Focus on creating different graphic assets such as images, app icons, etc. Make sure they will meet all app development guidelines.
  • Prototyping: Build excellent prototypes of your apps to test their usability and collect feedback. This will help to identify UI/UX design flaws & rectify them before final app development.


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Step 4: Develop The App

This stage involves a set of essential activities such as coding, developing front-end and back-end, etc. To streamline the app development stage, you need to consider the following things:

  • Select The App Development Approach: When it comes to choosing development approaches, you mostly have two options: native & cross-platform app development. Platforms used for native are Kotlin (for Android) and Swift (for iOS), whereas platforms used for cross-platform development are Flutter, React Native, etc. 
  • Focus on MVP: Next, you need to consider making an MVP or Minimum Viable Product. This is a simple version of any application that is developed with core features only. It helps you test your entire app concept & collect all your user feedback to remove errors in the final product.
  • Test Regularly: Conduct continuous testing processes to remove bugs & glitches and fix usability issues. Moreover, proper app testing and quality assurance help to enhance the user experience of your app. 
  • Use Version Control System: You need to rely on a version control system like Git to make changes & efficiently coordinate with your team during the app development process.
  • Security: You must ensure that all your user information and app data are completely secure. To take your app security to the next level, you should implement authentication, encryption, and authorization mechanisms.
  • Focus on Third-party Integration: If you need external solutions like social media platforms and payment gateways for your app, you need to focus on third party integration services. Third party integration enhances your brand visibility and user experience effectively. 
  • Develop Back-end: If your application needs a server, start creating the back-end components, including APIs, databases, server infrastructure, etc.

Step 5: Test The Application

Thorough testing and quality assurance are crucial to ensure that your application works properly and offers a smooth user experience. Following the testing processes, you need to consider your app performance:

  • Functional Testing: Test every feature of your app to ensure it functions as expected. You can use manual & automated testing procedures to address bugs and fix them. 
  • Security Testing: Security assessment helps you identify vulnerabilities. It strengthens the overall security levels of your application. 
  • User Acceptance Testing: In this method, you need to invite beta testers who will check your app & give essential feedback. It’s recommended to address their concerns & suggestions.
  • Compatibility Testing: To check your app compatibility, you need to test your app on multiple devices, screen sizes, and operating systems. 
  • Performance Testing: This helps you measure different parameters including app response times, resource usage, and loading times. It also optimizes your app efficiency & speed.

Step 6: Prepare for The App Launch

Once your testing is done, there are many tasks to do to ensure a smooth app release. Some of the important tasks include:

  • App Store Optimization: This is known as ASO which helps you optimize app listing on the app store. For better ASO, you need to use compelling descriptions, attractive visuals, and relevant keywords. 
  • App Monetization Strategies: You need to focus on the monetization strategy of your app, whether it’s through in-app purchases, in-app ads, one-time purchase fees, or subscription models.
  • Promotion & Marketing: Create a marketing strategy to promote your app & attract users. Use different channels like email marketing, and social media platforms to boost your target audience base. 
  • App Analytics: Use the right analytics tools to check app performance, user behavior, and other important metrics. This data & information helps you make well-informed decisions for the latest app updates.
  • Legal Requirements: You must ensure your application properly complies with all regulations (CCPA & GDPR), and data protection laws. You should make proper terms of service and privacy policy.

Step 7: Launch Your Application

Now, it’s time to make the application live and available for your users. Here are some key steps that you should consider while launching your app.

  • Submit to The App Store: You need to check the app submission guidelines for different app stores like Play Store, Apple App Store, etc. & submit your application for final review.
  • Check Performance: Focus on KPIs or key performance indicators of your app and enhance its performance accordingly.
  • Updates & Support: Give ongoing support and provide regular updates to improve the user experience of your application. 
  • App Promotion: Boost your app marketing efforts to gain user interest & drive downloads after the app launch. 
  • User Feedback: Reviews and feedback boost the credibility & visibility of your app. Allow users to share feedback on the app store.


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Final Words

Making an application is a complex process that involves multiple steps. Proper planning, market research, and strategies help to create an app design and development process from scratch seamless and hassle-free. As app development is an ongoing journey, you should focus on continuous improvement and post-launch maintenance solutions to boost its performance and user experience as well.


How to create an app?

The process of creating a mobile app involves a number of steps and activities. Here are the major steps of the mobile app development process. 

  1. Define your project objectives
  2. Conduct deep market research
  3. Focus on UI/UX design and prototyping
  4. Choose the development platform
  5. Start development process
  6. Focus on QA and testing
  7. Deploy and release the app


How much does it cost to develop an app?

The average cost of building an app usually ranges from $25,000 to $200,000. However, whether it’s an Android app or an iOS app, there is no exact figure for mobile app-making costs. It mostly varies depending on a number of factors like app features, functionalities, development platform level of complexities, developer’s charges, locations, etc.


What are the 7 steps to building an application?

Making an application is a long process as it involves a number of steps, from conceptualization to final deployment. 7 most crucial steps of custom mobile app development include: 

Step 1: Conceptualization & strategy development

Step 2: Market research and planning

Step 3: UI/UX design and prototyping

Step 4: Front-end and back-end development

Step 5: App testing and quality assurance

Step 6: Deployment and app launch 

Step 7: Performance monitoring & marketing