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How to find perfect sterilization method for your device?

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We all know the saying that cleanliness is next to godliness but it is also important for many products including medical equipment.  After a product is manufactured, shipped, stored and handles, there is no way of knowing how many germs or contaminations are on the surface. There are many different types of sterilization methods like steam, dry heat, hydrogen peroxide, gamma, x-ray and ethylene oxide so how do you find the perfect sterilization method for your device? 


Steam is one of the most common methods for sterilization of health care products. In majority of cases, the item that requires steam sterilization is placed in an autoclave or similar type of chamber. The combination of water vapour, high temperatures, pressure and time destroy microorganisms. The advantages of steam sterilization is that it is reliable, economical, nontoxic and can penetrate fabrics. 


As compared to steam sterilization, dry heat sterilizes objects with higher heat and without water. The temperature-typically 320 degrees celcius determines how long the item needs to be exposed to heat but this process takes a longer time than steam and other sterilization methods. The advantages of is that it is simple, easy to install, cost efficient and a good option for products that can be damaged by steam. 


Sterilization of medical instruments can also be done with vaporized hydrogen peroxide. Radiofrequency or microwave energy produces free radicals which kills microorganisms. Since it requires less heat than other sterilization methods like steam, it is a perfect solution for items that can get damaged by high temperatures or moistures. The advantage of VHP sterilization is that it is good for electrical devices, plastics and metal alloys that are prone to corrosion  


Gamma radiation makes use of Cobalt 60 radiation with high energy photons to destroy microorganisms. Since it has a high penetration, it can used to sterilize medical equipment inside their packaging. Advantages of Gamma Radiation is that it is effective, reliable and offers high penetration. 


Sterilization medical devices can also be done by X-ray. It is highly effective for a wide range of materials, configurations and densities and is common for medical devices and pharmaceuticals. Advantages of X-ray is that it is safe, reliable and penetrates dense items. 


Ethylene oxide is a gas that sterilizes by affecting the cellular metabolism and reproduction of microorganisms. It is used by healthcare facilities to sterilize equipment that is sensitive to heat and moisture. The only disadvantage of using ehtylene oxide is that it can be expensive, is a lengthy process and some materials may need aeration after exposure. 

As industry experts and leaders, we at Symec Engineers Private Limited believe that the benefits generally associated with radiation technology are likely to ubiquitously amplify its implementation and diverse application catalyst through technological advancements across a wide range of industries especially the food industry where the importance of food irradiation is growing day by day.   



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