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If you have a skunk living in your backyard, you may be wondering how to get rid of it. There are a few different methods you can try, but the most important thing is to be careful and not get sprayed! Here are a few tips on how to get rid of skunks from your backyard: 1. Use a live trap: You can purchase a live trap from your local hardware store or online. Be sure to check the trap regularly so that you don't unintentionally catch other animals like rabbits or opossums. 2. Repel them with noise: Skunks don't like loud noises, so try playing music or banging on pots and pans near the perimeter of your property. 3. Remove their food sources: If you have pet food or garbage left outside, skunks will be attracted to it. Be sure to clean up any food sources and keep your trash cans sealed tight. 4. Use scent deterrents: You can purchase commercial skunk repellents or make your own by mixing apple cider vinegar and water. Spray this mixture around the perimeter of your property.

Skunk in the backyard

If you have a skunk in your backyard, the best thing to do is to call a professional trapper. Skunks are nocturnal animals, so they are most active at night. If you see a skunk during the day, it is probably sick or injured and you should call animal control. Skunks are also attracted to food sources, so if you have pet food or bird seed left out, it may be attracting skunks to your yard.

If you have a skunk in your backyard, the best thing to do is to call a professional trapper. Skunks are nocturnal animals, so they are most active at night. If you see a skunk during the day, it is probably sick or injured and you should call animal control. Skunks are also attracted to food sources, so if you have pet food or bird seed left out, it may be attracting skunks to your yard.

How to get rid of skunk

If you have a skunk in your backyard, there are a few things you can do to get rid of it. First, try to find out where the skunk is living. If you can find the skunk's den, you can block it off to prevent the skunk from coming back. You can also try to scare the skunk away by making loud noises or shining a light on it. If these methods don't work, you may need to call a professional wildlife control company to remove the skunk for you.

If you have a skunk in your backyard, the best thing to do is to call a professional trapper. Skunks are nocturnal animals, so they are most active at night. If you see a skunk during the day, it is probably sick or injured and you should call animal control. Skunks are also attracted to food sources, so if you have pet food or bird seed left out, it may be attracting skunks to your yard.

How to keep skunks away

There are a few things you can do to keep skunks away from your home and backyard. One is to make sure there is no food left out that might attract them. This means keeping garbage cans securely lidded and not leaving pet food outside. If you have fruit trees, pick up any fallen fruit as soon as possible. You should also trim back any bushes or trees that provide potential hiding spots for skunks.If you have had skunks in your yard before, you can try using a commercial repellent. These are available at most hardware stores or online. Be sure to follow the directions carefully, as some of these products can be harmful to plants and animals if used incorrectly. You may need to reapply the repellent regularly, especially after rainstorms.

Finally, one of the best ways to keep skunks away is to discourage them with loud noises or bright lights. If you see a skunk in your yard, make a loud noise (such as clapping your hands) or shine a light on it until it leaves the area.

Identify the skunk

If you have a skunk in your backyard, the first step is to identify it. Skunks are typically black and white, and they have a long, bushy tail. They are also known for their strong smell. If you see a skunk in your backyard, stay away from it and call your local animal control office.

Remove food and water sources

In order to get rid of skunks from your backyard, you need to remove their food and water sources. This means removing any potential sources of food, such as garbage cans, pet food, and bird seed. You should also get rid of any standing water sources, such as puddles, ponds, or bird baths.

Set up a live trap

If you want to get rid of a skunk without harming it, your best bet is to set up a live trap. You can purchase a live trap at most hardware or home improvement stores, or you can build your own. Once you have your trap, baiting it with food is key to lure the skunk inside. Skunks are attracted to sweet foods, so something like marshmallows or fruit will work well. Once the skunk is inside the trap, simply release it into the wild far away from your home.

Call animal control

If you have a skunk in your backyard, the best thing to do is call animal control. Animal control will be able to safely remove the skunk from your property and relocate it to a safe area.

Do not try to remove the skunk yourself, as you could get sprayed.


If you have a skunk living in your backyard, the best thing you can do is to try to get rid of it. There are a few different ways that you can do this, but the most effective method is to use a live trap. Once you have caught the skunk, you can then release it into the wild far away from your home. If you follow these steps, you should be able to get rid of the skunk without any problems.