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How To Increase Domain Authority? In 5 Simple Steps

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How To Increase Domain Authority

Although, there are several factors that Google takes into account to determine your website’s organic ranking. One of the few most important among them is your website domain authority. Domain authority allows you to judge the overall performance of your website and compare your DA score to that of competing websites to see where you stand.

Domain authority helps businesses figure out where they may rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). Knowing your domain authority may help you create or improve your marketing strategy. But how do you know what your website domain authority is? And what’s a good Domain Authority?

By the end of this article, you will understand what domain authority is and how to increase domain authority? 

This whole article we will cover:

=> What is Domain Authority?

=> What’s a Good Domain Authority?

=> How to Check Website Domain Authority?

=> How To Increase My Domain Authority?

Before moving forward to “how to increase my domain authority” let’s first understand the term “Domain Authority”.

What is Domain Authority?

Domain Authority or DA is a search engine ranking score that predicts how likely a website will rank on search engine result page SERPs. It is a metric developed by Moz ranging from one to a hundred. A higher DA score means a higher ability to rank better on search engines.

Domain Authority value is calculated by evaluating multiple factors, including linking root domains and a total number of external links to a site, the quality of your external links, the quality of your website’s content, and social signal. 

Why Should You Care About Domain Authority? 

Although Google Search algorithm doesn’t directly consider Domain Authority as ranking factors. but a study by Ahrefs reveals that DA may be a useful metric by which to gauge how much organic traffic you may receive from Google. The higher your website domain authority is, the more likely you gain a higher search engine ranking and receive more and better web traffic.

What’s a Good Domain Authority?

Moz uses more than 40  different factors to determine your Domain Authority score. here we have some of the most important factors that Moz Consider:

=> Number of unique relevant backlinks

=> Quality of external links

=> Number of external links

=> Quality of website content

=> Social Signals

=> Site structure and use-friendliness

According to Moz Algorithm, Domain authority is scored on a scale of 1 to 100  where 1 is the worst, 100 being the best. 

=> Domain authority between 40 and 50 is considered average.

=> Domain Authority between 50 and 60 is considered good.

=> Domain Authority over 60 is considered excellent.

How to Check Website Domain Authority?

When you think about” how to increase my domain authority”, the first thing that comes to your mind is what is my website domain authority or how to check it. Although there are various tools available online, the easiest way to check the Domain Authority of a website is to use the free Moz Domain Analysis tool. 

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