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Is Your Carelessness a Hurdle in Academic Achievement? Tips on Developing Good Study Habits

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To achieve good grades in the exams, it is essential that you should study with concentration. The study habits influence the overall quest for achieving high scores. In a world of competition, grades matter the most. The grades decide the overall aptitude of a student and help them in acquiring a decent job. Most of the students are unaware of the basic learning techniques which prevent them to score high. Despite their hard work and dedication to studies, they lack good study habits and it results in low score. Five good study habits that can lead you to achieve high in academics.

The habit of group study

An individual study is a good tool for understanding the basic concepts. But research has shown that group study saves plenty of time and energies as different students have different conceptual paradigms and sharing different concepts reduces the time in understanding the concepts through notes or books. Secondly, group study also prevents carelessness and lousiness that one feels when study alone. So, studying in a group not only help in memorizing the concepts swiftly but also evaporates the carelessness.


Make cue cards and paste on your room wall

Making cue cards and writing heading and bullet points on them and pasting on the wall of your room is an efficient way of memorizing difficult topics. It will also help the students to go through the entire topic and even subjects a night before the final exams.


Switch off your cell phone

Get your cell phones off when you sit for to study. A distraction can possibly ruin the time and energies.


Make a proper schedule

To study daily at one proper time enhances the efficiency of the overall learning. The mind gets used to one clock and it helps in understanding the concepts easily. So, develop a proper time of study and follow it religiously.


Think positively

Have a positive attitude and positive body language. This is a key to success in academics. The positive mind is a powerhouse to human energies. Developing a positive attitude will also help to score high in academics.


Designate a Study Area/Room

Stick to one place for studies. A change of place and time alters the entire pattern of learning. As the mind is synchronized to one pattern, so if the pattern is changed time and again, it leads to commotion and effects your academic performance.


Test-taking strategies

Try to adopt the test taking strategy in you. “Record, review and then rectify” is a famous tool for learning how these steps, in a sequence, can change the learning behavior and paradigms of the students. It also helps yourself to analyze and evaluate your performance honestly and truthfully.


By developing all these habits, you can change the laborious routine of learning in academics and can actually feel good to have a proper plan of learning. These tips can easily be applied and results will be astonishing.

The post Is Your Carelessness a Hurdle in Academic Achievement? Tips on Developing Good Study Habits appeared first on Blog Cheap Essay Writing UK.


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