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The universe is heading up to the Metaverse. Today, the majority of the business is venturing into the decentralized platform operating on the blockchain networks. And the possibilities in here are huge. From art to the domain, and now land. Virtual land trading through a platform like DecentraLand. You have the space today to not just own a land in the digital verse but also create your digitized world, platform trading land as NFT in your DecentraLand Clone. 

Feature of DecentraLand Clone 

  • Land Parcels 

The virtual land is partitioned as blocks in the decentralized platform, where these blocks are referred to as parcels that are unique NFTs in the marketplace. These parcels replicate the actual land, where they can erect different structures, and each of them becomes an NFT, an asset that can be minted, listed, and traded.

  • Estates 

When buying two or more parcels adjacent to each other, the users are termed an Estate. More one adjacent land parcels can be tagged as estates. To simplify, Estate is a bigger portion of a parcel. That is also an asset that can be traded as NFT in the marketplace. 

  • Avatars 

The Avatars are human characters or other living characters that can be anything like that on the actual land they are brought in here. These avatars can be designed as the user desires. Moreover, the avatar and their specific attributes are NFTs in the platform. 

  • Native token 

The native token of the Decentraland clone is MANA., a primary token that is used for the transaction in the platform. 

  • Builder Tool 

Using the builder tool, the user can design their creation in the platform, including scenes, artworks, challenges, social games, and much more. The most attractive attribute of this platform is every aspect is considered as a non fungible token that can be traded. 

  • Trade

The user must be given a highly efficient and effective space to trade the NFT they own in the platform without any hindrances. The trade should happen at ease, allowing users to sell, buy, and bid for the platform's assets. 

  • User interface

The user interface must be simple and easy to carry out various actions in the platform. 

Why Choose INORU For Developing Your DecentraLand Clone?

At INORU, we provide you with a customized solution in developing your NFT platform. DecentraLand Clone, in particular with our white label solution, is a quick fix task to design and launch your compatible three-dimensional platform. Moreover, we give you, 

  1. Prolonged post-launch support
  2. On-time quick delivery 
  3. NFT expert solutions 
  4. Non-disclosure agreement

And much more. To get a complete briefing on the process, cost and other aspects of developing your DecentraLand Clone, Reach out now to INORU.