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Mangal Dosh Shanti Puja Ujjain

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Mangal Dosh Shanti Puja is a Hindu ritual performed to pacify the malefic effects of planet Mars (Mangal) in one's horoscope. Ujjain, a city in Madhya Pradesh, India, is considered a holy city and is known for its ancient temples and Vedic rituals. Here are some steps to perform Mangal Dosh Shanti Puja in Ujjain:

  1. Choose a good date: Consult a priest or astrologer to determine an auspicious date and time for performing the puja. The puja is usually performed on a Tuesday, which is considered the day of Lord Hanuman, who is known for his ability to pacify the malefic effects of Mars.

  2. Find a temple or priest: There are many temples and priests in Ujjain who perform Mangal Dosh Shanti Puja. You can also contact local travel agencies or online portals for assistance in finding a suitable priest or temple.

  3. Arrange for puja materials: The materials required for the puja include red cloth, red flowers, red sandalwood powder, ghee, sugar, honey, sindoor, red thread, and a coconut. These items can be easily obtained at any local market or puja store in Ujjain.

  4. Perform the puja: On the day of the puja, dress in clean, traditional clothes and visit the temple or priest's house. The priest will guide you through the puja, which involves chanting mantras, offering prayers to Lord Hanuman and Mars, Mangal Dosh Shanti Puja Ujjain and performing rituals to pacify the malefic effects of Mars in your horoscope. The puja usually lasts for a few hours, and at the end of the puja, the priest will give you prasad and bless you.

  5. Follow the remedies: After the puja, the priest may advise you to perform certain remedies to further pacify the malefic effects of Mars in your horoscope. These remedies may include wearing a red thread or gemstone, performing regular charity, and observing fasts on Tuesdays.

Remember to respect the local customs and traditions while performing the puja in Ujjain. Also, it's essential to follow the guidance of the priest and continue with the remedies as advised to obtain maximum benefits from the puja.




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