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 More: Opal is one of the most distinctive gemstones as it is a vivid stone with a shimmering play of colours. Gemstones are said to be dominated by a planet in Vedic astrology, which endows the stone with power and Healing Properties. The planet of Venus which is called shukra in Hindi rules the glorious gemstone of opal. Venus is a representation of romance, passion, relationships, and wealth. This planet is reputed to grant wearers' every wish. Because of its power as well as its beauty, opal is known as the queen of jewels. Opal is a pearly-shaded, white lustrous gemstone.

Humans used to believe that wearing opal served as an invisible shield that shielded the wearer from negativity and harm. The natural opal offers you a wealth of advantages and therapeutic qualities. Opal is regarded as the stone of security, bravery, and joy. Opal Jewelry can help you overcome anxiety, depression, and fear while enhancing your vibration and allowing you to flow with the natural flow of things. As a stunning, alluring gem, opal has been a part of many stories and beliefs. Opal has earned the nickname “Patronus Forum,” which means “patron of thieves.”

Read More : The Birthstone of Protection

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