gauravjain's articles

Plumbing companies specialize in both residential and commercial work. Commercial services, essential to the smooth operation of enterprises and industries, differ from residential services in that the end is primarily concerned with enhancing the plumbing systems of homes and flats in the neighborhood. Commercial plumbers have the training and knowledge to ensure their clients’ institutions, […]
Making bronze sculptures based on the human body is an art form that Isabel Miramontes specializes in. “Pose and impression” is the inspiration for Miramontes' bronze figures and bizarre shapes, which generate an overwhelming feeling of motion. The artist describes these works as “emotional misery in physical form,” which is supposed to understand better the […]
Art galleries in Long Island continually receive requests from artists to either show, represent, sell or critique their art. If that isn’t realistic, many will walk miles under diffusing conditions to show their work in the art gallery- an ultimate testament to their talent and persistence. Undeniably, landing an online art gallery in New York is a […]