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There is a lot of confusion amongst entrepreneurs in choosing the right partner for their outsourcing needs. They find it difficult to trust and invest in a third-party firm that may or may not provide the results that the company desires. Instead, they go for training in-house resources which can be detrimental to the success of any project. In this post, we are going to talk about the top tricks and strategies to outsource mobile app development services efficiently. It will provide you with directions to assess the potential candidates and the right questions to ask to find the best match for your company’s needs. Continue reading to find out more.

Strategies to Identify The Best Outsourcing Partner

Planning is essential before starting anything new. You must do it in the initial phases of a project so you can select the right vendor for your outsourcing needs. You should be mindful of who you partner with as it directly influences the success of your applications. Following are some strategies that will help you select an outsourcing partner.

Step #1 Have A Solid Outline of Your App

Before you hire a mobile app developer, you need to have a rational idea of what your app is all about. It should be well-researched and able to solve all the problems you have with the current system. You should also check out what the competitors are doing and work to improve, innovate, and come up with better solutions.

Step #2 Plan A Budget

Decide on the amount you will spend on your mobile app development. Have a clear estimate before working with an outsourcing company. Make sure not to spend too much in the initial few months until you are confident in their effectiveness and reliability to submit the work.

Step #3 Research Web Developers

Identify the best fit for your outsourcing needs. Research well for companies that work in your industry, technology, framework, time-zone, and complexity. You can look for service providers by searching on the internet or B2B directories for this purpose. Also check for quality standards, security measures, rating, reviews, and adherence to tight deadlines.

Step #4 Shortlist An Agency

After careful examination, you need to hire a mobile app developer that rightly fits your requirements. You can shortlist candidates by interviewing each one at a time. This will give you a better idea about whether you want to work with them or not. You must communicate with them your expectations and budget allocations. Discuss your terms, time zone difference, communication tool, project management tools, and other aspects that affect the development process.

Step #5 Examine The Developers

Do a thorough examination of the developers and their past work experiences. Ask for details of the team that will work on your project. Select the developers who understand your requirement, language, and are flexible to work in your time zone.

Step #6 Ask for Project Plan

After the round of discussion with your mobile application development services provider, you need to ask for a project plan. It will contain all the information about timelines, deliverables, and team allocations. There may be some aspects that can be flexible that need not be marked, while others need a definite timeline. It can help you assess the app development progress and track the work hours. It will give you an estimate of the cost to develop your mobile app.

Step #7 Sign An NDA

Insist anyone working on your project to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (or NDA) to ensure secrecy.

Step #8 Schedule A Meeting

Here you can meet with the entire development team and ask them questions that you may have. You can brainstorm ideas and decide on features that will be part of your application. You can establish clear team roles, set standards for coding, and decide on a service model.

Step #9 Select A Pricing Model

Gone are the days where there was a fixed price to project development. The trend nowadays is to outsource mobile app development services in an agile manner. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the work in 2020 has seen constant changes in terms of finance and resources. The agile app development allows flexibility that a project needs to make changes mid-project, adapt to change, and adjust accordingly. This trend will continue in the year 2021.

Tips for Finding the Right Outsourcing Partner

1. Know Your Requirements

It is important to understand the things you need in an outsourcing partner. You need to set the parameters in advance to avoid any confusion and wastage of time. If you can communicate your requirements well to the dedicated developer, you can get an outcome that matches your expectations. Here are some questions you need to ask yourself before looking for app development options:

  • Who is my target audience?
  • What are the features I need?
  • What is my budget and time allocations?
  • What is the purpose of the project?
  • How to monetize my app?
  • Is it going to be a hybrid or native app?
  • What are the platforms where I want to launch my app?

2. Keep an Open Mind

Often we look to hire a development company locally for several reasons. They may not provide the quality you need to make your application a success. You should keep an open mind and hire talent globally from developing countries that work for less and provide high-quality results.

3. Look for Experience and Skills

Start by researching the experience and portfolio of the candidates you shortlist for your mobile application development services. They must have the experience and expertise working in your industry domain. Look for case studies and client lists for solutions that match your expectations. If not, find out if they have any experience designing similar solutions in different markets.

4. Ask for Demonstration

There are service providers that offer a free trial on a sample of your work. You can go into a test phase with them instead of paying enormous sums upfront. Give them the assignment to work on for a short period, like 2 weeks to a month. The right company will provide the best solutions at this time. It will help you determine their quality, adherence to time, and help you choose the right fit for your project.

5. Ask Questions

There are lots of things that you may need to discuss with the development company. Ask them about the quality standards, security parameters, post-development support, and app store submissions. You should select a company that is open to communication and supports you 24*7.


It is always exciting to create something out of scratch. But it’s difficult to find the right team that understands your requirements and expectations. You need to find an ideal partner to outsource mobile app development services and start creating something new. Someone reliable, trustworthy, affordable, and gives you the time and quality you need to make your app a success. There is too much competition in the market, all asking for your attention. You can use this post as a base to ask the right questions and move forward with your project.