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Rehabilitative Massage for the Aches and Pains of Winter 

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Since winter has arrived in full force, we thought it would be a good idea to highlight how vital remedial massage stkilda can be in preventing the aches and pains that are associated with winter. 

The colder months of the year seem to bring on more aches and pains for a lot of people, but why does this happen? 

To begin, being exposed to cold temperatures causes the muscles to tighten since the body is forced to save heat. If the muscle is allowed to cool off too much, it will eventually start to “shake” in order to generate further heat. Shivering is an extremely strenuous activity for the muscles, and over time it can cause the muscles to become contracted and knotted. 

Second, because the blood vessels become more constricted throughout the winter, circulation is reduced. Because the muscles receive less blood at this time, they are required to exert more effort in order to do the same task as they would during the warmer months. 

In addition, when it's cold outside, we have a tendency to adopt a defensive posture that involves hunching our shoulders and necks forward, which can lead to increased muscular tension in the upper back, neck, and shoulders. 

How exactly can a myotherapist assist? 

The good news is that remedial massage is capable of addressing each and every one of these concerns. Remedial massage is what myotherapists offer to patients in order to assist the body in increasing blood flow to the muscles that are causing the patient the most discomfort. The primary method by which we may begin to start warming and relaxing the muscles as well as feed and flush the area is by increasing the blood flow. They will also teach you stretches and exercises that will help you warm up and cool down more efficiently before and after your workout, hence reducing the likelihood that you will sustain an injury. In addition, remedial massage can shorten the amount of time needed for injuries to the muscle tissue to heal, which both helps the muscle return to its normal level of function and protects it from subsequent injury. 

Regular remedial massage is not only a great way to prevent injuries and muscle spasms during the winter, but it can also be used to correct any postural or other issues that have already occurred and maximise circulation to the body as a whole. Not only is regular remedial massage a great way to prevent injuries and muscle spasms during the winter, but it can also be used to prevent injuries and muscle spa 



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