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Are you trying to remove metadata from RTF files but struggling every time? If this is the case, we assume you'll require a professional tool. We've covered a good method for deleting all metadata from RTF files herein. As a solution, you should start reading the article.

An Expert Method to Delete Metadata from RTF Files

Use the Metadata Erasure Tool to make removing metadata from RTF files easier. It is a simple utility for extracting metadata from RTF, ODT, OTT, DOT, and other document formats. Follow the Link provided to utilize this tool for free.

It is a one-stop solution for deleting metadata from a variety of files. The software can be used to remove metadata from multimedia files like MP3 and MP4, as well as Excel files like XLS, XLSX, and others. Metadata from video and audio files can also be removed. It is a time-saver utility that allows you to easily wipe metadata from RTF files. To observe how the tool works, follow the steps below.

Working Steps to Remove Metadata from RTF Files

  1. Install and launch the tool to delete metadata from RTF files.
  2. Choose the RTF files from which you want to delete the metadata after launching the application.
  3. Search for and upload all RTF files into the application.
  4. Give each file a preview when it has been imported into the tool.
  5. Then, by selecting the Action button, select the option to clear metadata.
  6. Choose a location for the generated files and then press the Save button.

As a conclusion, you may delete metadata from RTF files with relative ease with the help of the tool. Now, you’d like to learn more about the tool; find its traits below.

Find Some Traits of the RTF Metadata Erasure Tool

  • A Multi-Purpose Tool: It is an all-in-one software that supports a wide range of file formats. The application may remove metadata from multimedia files such as MP3 and MP4 in addition to RTF files. It may also remove metadata from ODT files, OTT files, DOCX files, Word documents, and a variety of other file types.
  • It is Completely Free to Use: The tool is initially free to use. You will be given a demo version of the tool after downloading it. The trial edition allows you to erase metadata from a limited amount of RTF files. After you're satisfied, you can buy the license key.
  • Ease of Use: The most basic graphical user interface is designed for the software to remove metadata from RTF files. The tool does not require any technical understanding from you.
  • Capabilities for Batch Removal: The software can erase metadata from an unlimited number of RTF files in a single cycle. You can choose any number of files and folders and delete all of their metadata at once.
  • Permanent Erasure: Metadata extracted from RTF files using the software cannot be recovered.
  • Self-sufficient: It is self-contained and does not require you to acquire additional settings to wipe metadata from RTF files.
  • OS Compatibility: This RTF metadata deletion tool is compatible with any device that runs the Windows operating system. The tool is compatible with Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8, 7, and earlier versions.


We gave an expert way to remove metadata from RTF files. The recommended RTF metadata removal tool is all-in-one and provides numerous benefits. It allows you to delete metadata from RTF files for free at first. You may acquire the free version of the tool by clicking the link above and getting started right away.


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