The 3 Habits of Highly Successful Content Creators

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Content marketing has allowed brands to appeal to and target a wider spectrum of consumers. In fact, in a content marketing report by HubSpot, about 70% of marketer are allocating their funds to content marketing, with 24% of them planning to expand their investments further. This number will continue to rise as digitalization becomes more prominent.

With so much happening in the creator economy, content creators need to step up their game and carve a reputation to survive and succeed.

If you’re a budding content creator, you might wonder what a successful creator does to set themself apart and ensure success.

Keep on reading to understand the mindset of a successful content creator, including his/her habits.

The 3 Habits of Highly Successful Content Creators

1. They are disciplined

There’s a saying that goes: “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” And it holds true to content creation. If you want to succeed as a content creator, you must first have discipline. It means making a schedule and sticking to it. It means regularly interacting with your fans. It means shooting emails to brands and making minor changes when needed, and so on.

Creativity is needed for content creation, but with that, consistency and discipline are called for. As a content creator, you will wear many hats. From strategizing and writing to shooting and editing, you will be single-handedly looking at the pre-production, production and post-production stages.

Take a look at any successful content creator and you will notice the number of content pieces published on their channel. This shows how publishing high-quality content on a regular basis can bring success more rapidly.

2. They consider themselves as business owners

Successful content creators see themselves as business owners. Therefore, they ensure they treat content creation as a serious business and not just a side hobby. Treating content creation as a hobby may not yield as much revenue and success.

How do entrepreneurs run their businesses? Running a business involves the capital generation, planning, strategizing, marketing, sales and various other aspects. Content creators who are full time in this profession cater to all these business aspects.

They have multiple sources of income to raise enough capital. They consider different content monetization platforms and revenue streams to ensure the money is always flowing in.

During the initial stages, your primary focus should be posting useful and trending content. But as your channel evolves, there will come a time when you will be demanded to produce more and handle many things on a professional level.

3. They have multiple income sources

The most important point an amateur content creator might miss out on is opening multiple revenue streams. So whether it is content monetization for publishers, affiliate ads, brand collaborations and more, successful creators do not rely on one income source entirely.

So how does a content creator make money (which is not limited to one revenue stream solely)?

• Brand collaborations

• Selling exclusive content to fans

• Affiliate Ads

• Selling brand merchandise

• Freelancing & more…

One of the easiest ways to earn income as a content creator is by selling exclusive content to the fans on content monetization platforms such as Retrieve, Skillshare, and Patreon.


Content marketing has turned into one of the major ways to market a brand, product or service. This is good news for content creators as it means more revenue generation opportunities.

In the expanding universe of creators, you need to look at content creation as more than simply creating pieces of content for social media. You need to invest your time, efforts and creativity to create and sustain. Develop the habit of patience and discipline and remember that achieving overnight success isn’t impossible, but doesn’t happen to most people.

The key is to create content consistently, build a loyal fan base, and have patience. Continually work on your strategies, monitor analytics, and alter/improvise when needed.

Make accounts on content monetization platforms such as Retrieve, add more and more revenue streams, and achieve the goal of becoming a successful content creator.

The path might seem easy for some and difficult for others, but with the right strategies, creativity, and consistency, you can reach your goal faster.

Check out if you’re looking for additional income generation opportunities by selling exclusive content such as guides, videos and blogs, and start converting your fan subscription into income!