1. Science / Technology

The Do’s and Don’ts of Implementing Data Visualization Software Effectively

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90% of the information relayed to our brain is visual. Yet, having access to data is one thing; understanding it is another. This is where the significance of data visualization software surfaces, enabling organizations to represent complex information coherently and compellingly.

The Growing Role of Data Visualization

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In a world where we're exposed to 5 times more information than we were in 1986, our reliance on visualization has grown exponentially. For businesses, this deluge represents potential insights, patterns, and decisions waiting to be uncovered. Yet, to unlock this potential, business data visualization has become imperative. It's not just about reading numbers; it's about visualizing them in a way that tells a story, allowing stakeholders to discern trends, make predictions, and drive strategy.

Introduction to RedShelf

Before delving into the intricacies of implementing data visualization software, let's shed light on a practical example: RedShelf. RedShelf is a dynamic company known for its innovative approach to digital content distribution. They've recognized the importance of robust data visualization and have implemented it meticulously in their organization. Throughout this blog, we will be using RedShelf's experiences as a case study to validate and exemplify the dos and don'ts of data visualization software implementation. Their choices, strategies, and feedback provide real-world insights that further underline the data points made in this guide.

The Do’s of Implementing Data Visualization Software

  1. Invest in Training and Onboarding

A tool is only as useful as its user's proficiency. Investing in robust training ensures that your team not only grasps the basic functionalities of the data visualization dashboard but also delves deep into its advanced features. 

RedShelf recognized the importance of a data visualization platform for its whole team to use, implying that they ensured everyone was proficient in using it.

  1. Tailor Visualizations to Your Audience

Data can be represented in countless ways. However, the key is to customize your dashboard visualization according to the stakeholders. A technical team might appreciate detailed scatter plots, while the marketing team might prefer pie charts. Recognize the audience's preference and adjust accordingly.

The statement “Everyone at RedShelf uses Grow” implies that they tailored their visualizations to suit everyone, from executives to regular employees.

  1. Prioritize Data Quality

The quality of data visualization hinges on the integrity of the data. Feeding inaccurate or inconsistent data into your software not only leads to misleading visuals but also misinformed decisions. Regular audits and quality checks are indispensable to maintain the authenticity of your data visualization dashboard.

RedShelf united all their scattered data into Grow, which hints at ensuring data accuracy and consistency.

  1. Encourage Feedback and Iteration

The most successful data visualization tools are the ones that evolve. By actively seeking feedback and being ready to make necessary adjustments, businesses can continually refine their representations. Airbnb, leveraging user feedback, iteratively refined its internal data visualization tools, boosting stakeholder engagement through more precise insights.

The positive comments about Grow's features and the utility of the Grow dashboards show that RedShelf likely took feedback and iteratively improved their visualization processes.

  1. Stay Updated with Software Upgrades and Patches

The visualization Software world is continually evolving, introducing new features, and patching vulnerabilities. Ensure that your data visualization software is always up-to-date to leverage these enhancements and maintain the system's security.

Redshelf’s continued satisfaction with Grow implies that they have stayed updated with any software changes.

The Don’ts of Implementing Data Visualization Software

  1. Don’t Overcomplicate Your Visualizations

While it's tempting to showcase all the data available, it can be counterproductive. Overloaded business data visualization can overwhelm the audience, causing essential insights to be lost. Maintain clarity and focus on the message.

  1. Don’t Ignore Mobile Compatibility

In our mobile-first world, a dashboard visualization that's not mobile-friendly risks losing a substantial portion of its audience. This is where Grow's BI shines. Known for its mobile-friendliness, Grow's dashboard visualization ensures that your visuals remain accessible and coherent across all devices, from desktops to smartphones. Integrating such a tool can make all the difference in reaching and engaging a wider audience.

  1. Don’t Rely Solely on Default Settings

Out-of-the-box settings in any software are generic. By customizing and tweaking these settings, businesses can significantly enhance the accuracy and clarity of their data visualization dashboard.

RedShelf's appreciation of Grow's ability to combine multiple data sources into one metric suggests they didn't stick to just default settings.

  1. Don’t Neglect Data Security and Compliance

Data breaches can be catastrophic. As highlighted by the severe breaches at Yahoo, affecting 3 billion accounts, and Aadhaar, impacting 1.1 billion Indian citizens, it's imperative to employ best practices in data security. Remain compliant with regional and global data protection regulations to safeguard your user's trust and data integrity.

RedShelf's emphasis on a “secure location” for its content showcases its priority for data security and why it chose Grow’s BI tools. 

  1. Don’t Forget to Periodically Review and Update

Business data visualization isn't a one-time affair. Data evolves, objectives shift, and tools get refined. Periodic reviews ensure your visualizations remain relevant and insightful.

RedShelf's continuous engagement with Grow suggests they kept their visualizations relevant and updated. According to Redshelf CFO & Co-Founder Tim Haitaian, the greatest value to Redshelf is that, now, “Grow has made us all more aware of what’s actually happening within our business.”

Closing Thoughts

Harnessing the potential of data visualization software is not just about the tool but how it's used. Approaching the implementation and usage with the above do's and don’ts in mind will not only enhance data comprehension but also lead to informed decision-making.

Interested in understanding how Grow can elevate your data visualization strategy? Delve into the comprehensive features and capabilities of Grow on GetApp. Equip your team with the best tools to translate complex data into actionable insights. Explore Grow Features & Capabilities on GetApp now.