Today's Open Source React Developer Tools

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FaceBook, Skype, Tesla, and Airbnb all use React, a JavaScript toolset that enables the creation of interactive user interfaces using component-based building blocks.Thus, when combined with React developer tools, this handy package aids in the rapid development of fully working single-page or mobile applications.

Why is React  so popular?

React was created in 2011 by one of Facebook's software engineers, Jordan Walke, to manage Facebook ads. React is currently an open-source, declarative, dynamic library for creating complicated interfaces with reusable components.

In terms of automated re-rendering and component updates, React trumps Angular and Vue. React is the world's second most popular online and mobile app framework, according to Statista.

Despite the convenience it provides, a framework also stores a unique set of vulnerabilities. Data interoperability is a common occurrence in the digital age, and it puts a lot of personally identifiable information at danger.

XSS (Cross-Site Scripting), SQL injection, Zip Slip, XXE (XML External Entities), failed authentication, and other security issues exist in React apps. Unauthorized access, data breaches, hacking, and data tampering, among other cyber-criminal acts, are now possible.Get the assistance from best react agency

What React developer tools will you need to know in 2022?

A collection of useful React developer tools has been compiled. Some will be valuable for both novices and experienced programmers, while others will be selected by more experienced programmers. However, this isn't simply a list of useful React development tools. We choose to credit their creators as well. The React community is, in fact, one of the most important factors in React and React Native's popularity.


Another React tool for designing, building, and testing your own UX components. A UI development environment as well as a UI component playground are included in Storybook. You can not only benefit from the Storybook's UI component development environment, but you can also test and display them.

On your server, you can construct a static version of Storybook with a gallery of UI components that all team members can see. However, it does not extract or distribute components among projects.

2.Create React App

Create React App is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that doesn't require any development setup. It encourages you to set your own standard and walks you through the process of producing an app.
There is no complication because only a build dependency is required. Create React App includes ESLint, Webpack Babel, and other technologies that make it more suited for tiny web applications.

3.React Navigation

Based on JavaScript, the utility provides an expandable and usable navigation solution. As a result, developers can get started right away thanks to built-in navigators that give a consistent experience. As a result, the tool has received more than 13 000 stars on GitHub.


Linx is a backend development low-code programming tool, not necessarily a React tool (such as APIs, integrations and automations). It's on our list because it's a quick and easy way to integrate an API into your react SPA. The frontend and backend might take many different forms, and it can be tough to figure out how to connect the two. Low-code solutions like Linx can help you save time on backend development by decreasing coding and allowing you to focus more on logic.


Jest is an out-of-the-box solution that requires no configuration. The testing procedure is intended to maintain the greatest level of performance. In the next iteration, for example, previously failed tests are run first.

Jest will be your favorite ReactJS testing tool. It's a Facebook-developed JavaScript testing framework. It was created for the purpose of testing React components. It should be your first choice for testing React because it comes from the React creator and is developed and supported by the React community. It also works with other JS frameworks such as Babel, TypeScript, Node, Angular, and Vue.

6.React Boilerplate

A developer-friendly start library that provides the infrastructure for scalable projects. High performance and great development methodologies are the core of our offline-first React architecture. Your software will be available to your users as soon as they load it, and there will be no need for a network connection. React.js Boilerplate is compatible with Chrome Redux DevTools. Components, containers, and other types of objects can now be created and tested automatically using the CLI. Without needing to reload the page, all CSS and JavaScript changes are immediately visible and testable.


For JavaScript apps, Redux is a state management solution. It's most commonly used to integrate with React, it also works with other React-like frameworks.

For Redux, it's now able to connect all components directly to the entire state and thereby, reduces the requirement for using call-backs or props.


It's a command-line interface (CLI) application. BIT was created to solve the problem of sharing React components. With this React developer tool, you can organize and distribute User Interface components across your team members. Furthermore, any components that are lost in the future can be reused.
Before being exported as a whole, each component is isolated and tested separately. It simplifies testing since if you want to make a minor change, you just have to deal with this one component. Bit's component isolation makes it ideal for test-driven development. It is free to use for personal and open source projects.


Razzle simplifies SSR configuration by encapsulating it in a single dependency. It provides developers with a similar experience to create-react-app, but with more control over frameworks, routing, and data fetching.

10.React Sight

This React visualization tool provides a visual depiction of the structure of React apps to developers. The tool requires the previously described React Developer Tools for Chrome. Developers who want to use it will also need to install React Sight as a Chrome extension, which adds a new “React Sight” panel to Chrome DevTools. React Router and Redux are supported by the utility.


React has become such a valuable framework for frontend developers who want to create attractive and effective user experiences thanks to these and many other tools. Of all, this is only a small selection of fantastic tools. Every year, the number of React developer tools expands. The React community is dedicated to assisting one another and making React development more developer-friendly.Get assistance from the best React agency to build a mobile application.


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