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Laser cutters are equipment used for engraving or cutting pieces out of material. They use a beam of concentrated and amplified light. There are many different kinds of laser cutting machines. The differences between them are the way that they work and how the beam transmits light. The wave frequencies, powers they work in and, and the materials they work with can differ. 

CO2 Lasers

This type of equipment relies on three axes, which are the X, Y, and Z axis. The X axis is the width of your work area, while the Z axis is the height and the Y axis is the depth of the work area.

The area can range from eight by 12 inches to 79 by 119 inches. The system of the laser consists of a few CO2 gas tubes, as well as a focusing lens and a set of mirrors. When high tension powers it, the tube can create a laser beam that the mirrors reflect to the head. The focusing lens concentrates the beam to the focal point, which has the greatest heat effect and the smallest diameter.

Mixed Laser Cutting

This type of equipment works the same way that a regular CO2 laser cutting machine does. The difference is that it has high powers so that fine metals as thick as 0.06 inches can get cut. This includes sheet metal, stainless steel, and carbon steel.

To do laser cutting, the beam receives oxygen. That means that the air in the peak gets replaced by industrial oxygen. This will result in a cleaner cut of the metal. This type of CNC laser cutting tool often comes with technology known as auto following. This means that the tool can automatically copy the sheets’ imperfections and cause the head to fall or rise. This ensures that the focal length gets maintained. Plus, this type of equipment can have an axis that has more height because of the motorized head on it.

Fiber Laser Cutters

This type of machine is great for large industries that need to have large metal pieces cut. They can also cut materials that dissipate heat quickly, such as copper or silver. Its transmission system is fiber optic, so it can work at high speeds. The maintenance required is minimal, although the cost of the equipment is high.

Choose the Right CNC And Laser Cutting Services

When you are looking for CNC laser cutting services, choose Weldflow Metal Products. We offer a full range of services for your company. Contact us today to learn more about our company.


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