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What exactly is the hair-transplantation?

The most recent method for hair transplantation is known as Advanced Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). When you undergo the procedure, known as Advanced FUE hair Transplantation specialist takes grafts, that contain four hair follicles from the rear on your scalp (the donor region) and places the transplants in the areas which are affected by hair loss. It's a procedure of moving hair follicles away from the areas of your body or head in which you have plenty of hair, into areas that are losing hair. The grafts are harvested with an instrument designed specifically for this purpose, which leaves tiny cuts of less than 1 millimeter in length.

How is the length of time my hair transplant requires?

The majority of hair transplant procedures are performed in a single day. It is typical to harvest and transplant approximately 4000 grafts. That's equivalent to between 6000 and 9000 hairs. This is enough to cover a large area of balding. Certain hair transplants require two consecutive days when there is a significant amount of grafts have to be transferred, or in other specific situations.

How do you choose the best hair clinic?

The top salons for hair in the USA have the proper accreditation. There are numerous Fue hair clinics located in the USA and a lot of them are tiny, offices that are located within a room or apartment. Clinics like this are not without disadvantages compared to hospitals-based clinics. They don't have access to sterilized operating facilities, and anaesthesiology is not always a skilled field. In accordance with the most recent version of medical regulations, the hair-transplant clinics of the USA require the ability to access emergency resuscitation services which makes a lot of the smaller clinics in Los Angles illegal.

BHT Clinics for Hair Transplants however are located within full-service hospitals located within Antalya as well as Istanbul. We have access to a vast range of medical equipment and specialists. Our clinics are certified and accredited.

What is a facial hair Transplant?

By using FUE, the Advance FUE method of hair transplantation, donor grafts taken from both side of scalp are utilized to make an attractive, full moustache, beard or beard as well as to make sure that your eyebrows are in the right place. Transplanting hair in the beard in Los Angeles using BHT hair clinics can be cost-effective simple and provides gorgeous, lasting results.

What are the possible side consequences associated with hair transplantation?

The first methods of hair transplantation utilized a technique known as FUT. The hair transplants caused an obvious scar on the back of head of the patients. Since the re-adaptation to FUE methods, the patients will not suffer from scars anymore. When you have Advanced FUE Hair Transplants, the most obvious symptoms of the operation will disappear completely in just several days after the hair transplant surgery!

What should I do to begin making plans for my hair transplant?

You must contact the clinic for hair and supply them with pictures of your hair in the way it is in the present. You will then receive an estimate of the amount of grafts that could be transplanted as well as the cost of the procedure. This isn't binding however a more thorough examination will be performed prior to the procedure by the doctor. After you've received the estimation it is necessary to purchase tickets to Los Angeles and inform that clinic regarding your travel date. We'll arrange everything else.

Where will my FUE procedure be taking place?

When you choose us our FUE transplantation will be performed in a hospital that is accredited. This guarantees an unbeatable level of professionalism and sterility. After the procedure, you will be taken to your 5-star single-patient room, in which you'll rest for the remainder of the day under the watchful eyes of our experts in hair transplants.

When can I expect to see the results of my hair transplant?

After your FUE hair transplant surgery there will be a slight irritation to your head. It's normal and our instructions for treatment following hair transplantation will explain this in greater in detail. The first visible indications after the surgery will disappear seven to ten days after the transplant. We offer you several products to speed up the recovery process and a pillow that you can lie on so that you do avoid damaging the grafts you have transplanted. The hair resulting from the transplanted hair grafts could fall off within a few weeks because of something known as transplant shock. It's also normal since the grafts remain within your skin, and the hair follicles immediately begin to grow new healthy, healthy hair that will remain there for the remainder all of the time.

Do I need to repeat a hair transplant?

Usually, one transplant procedure is sufficient to treat most balding issues. Some severe cases require a double transplant. In some instances, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure within 10-12 months. It is important to note that transplanted hair follicles are sure to remain in the area they were transplanted. The hair you grow will be in these regions throughout your life. So, the result of the transplant will not diminish. Ever.