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What is Robotics & AI Automation?

Robotics is a science that embraces different disciplines and deals with robots' design, programming, and development. The article explores how robotics is changing the world around us. Robotics provides a great opportunity for businesses to innovate and gain a competitive advantage. From AI Automation that can do your work to industrial robots that perform specific tasks, the opportunities are endless if you're willing to take the risk. Robotics is a technology that helps create machines and devices that can move and behave like animals or humans. It is also the process of designing and making such machines and devices. One example of a robot would be a Roomba robot vacuum cleaner.

What are Robotics and AI Automation?

Robotics is “the science and technology of AI Automation,” according to the Oxford English Dictionary. It is used to describe machine-like humanoids capable of following precise instructions or solving problems autonomously without human intervention. Robotics may also refer to the engineering disciplines that deal with these machines' design, construction, operation, and application.AI Automation refers to a wide range of technologies that involve the use of robots. These include machines with a physical capability to carry out a diverse set of tasks and interactive robotic toys and household appliances. Robotics and AI automation is automating a task or set of tasks that a human would normally perform. That may mean that there is no human interaction with the process, or it could mean that there is assistance through other automation technologies. Robotics is an area of science and technology that deals with robots' design, construction, operation, and application. The term “robotics” is sometimes used to refer to artificial intelligence automation. AI Automation refers to using computers or other electronic devices to process vast data, which a computer program or algorithm can then analyze. Robotics is the application of mechanical systems to assist or substitute for humans or other animals in performing tasks that normally require human muscular effort. The word “robot” was coined in 1927 by Czech writer Karel Čapek and stemmed from his play R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots), written by him in 1920.

History of Robotics and AI Automation

Robotics was first used in the 1920s to build humanoid robots but evolved into more sophisticated technology. Robotics is still used for industrial purposes, but they are now more commonly associated with human-like machines that can carry out tasks autonomously. The history of robotics can trace back to the 1800s. However, it wasn't until the 1970s that robots could perform tasks like walking and doing simple gestures. Today, robots are used in many fields where humans cannot work, such as construction, surgery, farming, emergency services, environmental cleanup, and military operations. Robotics started in ancient Greece when the philosopher and mathematician, Archytas, designed a steam-operated pigeon. In 1640, the Swiss watchmaker and inventor Pierre Periféric Niepce de Saint-Victor invented a small humanoid figure that could walk on two legs and hold a candle to light its surroundings. Modern-day robotics found its genesis in the 1940s with George Devol's creation of Unimate. Robots have been around for a long time. They were first mentioned in an ancient Hindu text that wrote about using a robotic machine that carried out household chores. In the late 1800s, automated looms were used to produce cloth by weaving thread with a series of cams and gears. There have been many more inventions over the years, from automatic feeding machines in manufacturing plants to uncrewed aerial vehicles used for reconnaissance missions. The history of robotics and automation is a fascinating one and has some significant implications for our future.

Types of AI Automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has many many applications. One way it's used is to automate some of the tedious or repetitive tasks that humans perform, freeing us up to focus on other tasks. Robotics is an example of AI automation. Robots are autonomous mobile machines with sensors, computers, and actuators that can sense their environment and carry out programmed actions automatically without human intervention. Robotics is a technology that involves robots using mechanical or electrical devices to manipulate objects or create movement. Robots are often seen as androids and can be seen operating in factories, on battlefields, and in outer space. Robotics is the branch of engineering that deals with the design, building, and operation of robots. They are used in many fields, including industry, agriculture, construction, mining, medicine, and rescue operations.

Applications of AI Automation

There are many ways that AI is being applied to robotics. For example, an automated robot can program with algorithms to move in a certain way while avoiding obstacles. These robots are also capable of making decisions based on data gathered while performing tasks like guiding people around busy areas. Robotics has been in use since the late 1800s and is designed to help humans do a job that they can't or don't want to do. Today, robots are everywhere, and businesses rely on them every day. They're used for everything from manufacturing to entertainment and even home management tasks. Robotics has many applications. It can use to automate processes, improve efficiency, and even change the job market. One of the most common usages is robotics in manufacturing because it enables companies to make more complex products faster and cheaper. Robotics is the application of AI-automation to robotics. That includes robots that can learn from their environment and work autonomously without a human supervisor. The automation of robotics has a wide variety of applications, including military, manufacturing, and healthcare.


Robotics is a field that encompasses a lot of different technologies that help with manufacturing, service, and consumer applications. The most widespread use of robotics in the world is in manufacturing. Robotics is also used in medicine, education, space exploration, and more. However, the future is looking bright for robots when it comes to personal assistance for humans. That includes everything from home assistance to massaging your back.
Robotics is a branch of engineering that incorporates robots' design, manufacture, operation, and application. Robotics has many applications in manufacturing, science, industry, exploration, space, medicine, military use. Robots are mechanical and electronic devices that can sense and react to their environment. They range from simple mobile robots that help perform tasks to complex industrial robots that work on assembly lines or in dangerous environments. Robots have become commonplace in many areas of daily life, with the most interesting places being people's homes!

For more details visit- THE TECHJOURNAL


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