1. Software Engineering

Which React UI Framework Is the Most Popular?

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If you’re looking to build your first React app, one of the first things you have to do is decide which UI framework you’re going to use. There are quite a few out there, and they all have their pros and cons, so finding the right one can be difficult if you aren’t sure where to start. To help you out, here’s a rundown of some of the most popular React UI frameworks out there, along with some thoughts on how they stack up against each other.


This framework was created by engineers at Facebook, who had experience building large-scale applications for desktop and mobile platforms. This is one of the most popular frameworks out there because it's highly performant, easy to learn and use, and looks beautiful.

Ant Design

This framework is open-source and free. It offers a variety of components, including menus, navigation bars, and dialogs. Ant Design strives to create a beautiful design that does not sacrifice the user experience for it. It has been used by many big companies such as Alibaba, Baidu, and Xiaomi.
The main disadvantages of this framework are that it is not well documented or translated into other languages and its UI elements are outdated compared to some other frameworks.


Nativescript is a framework for building cross-platform native and progressive web apps with JavaScript. The library was built on top of Angular, and offers many of the same features as Angular 2 and TypeScript.


React is an open-source JavaScript library created by Facebook that can be used to build user interfaces and single page applications. It provides a way to render your application on the server, on a client, or both. If you're just getting started with React, this blog post will help you figure out which framework is best for your project.

Semantic UI

Semantic UI React is a lightweight front-end framework for creating intuitive, beautiful UIs. It provides a responsive and functional foundation that doesn't get in your way. Semantic UI is based on Semantic Versioning, so you can be confident that it will continue to work with future releases of React.

Conclusion –

The major difference between choosing AngularJS and ReactJS frameworks is that Angular isn‌t a complete framework. It‌s a library which has to be used in conjunction with other libraries in order to create an application. As such, one should choose whether they want to create their entire project from scratch or not before starting it, otherwise Hire ReactJS developers becomes less of a viable option.


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