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Andersen Charity: How an IT Company Helps Ukrainian Healthcare Facilities

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Andersen is a European Outsourced IT company. For 15 years it has been successfully developing software solutions for such industries as healthcare, logistics, fintech, automotive, media & entertainment, and others. Besides providing high-quality services, one of the company’s top priorities is human life. Therefore, this software developer has condemned the war in Ukraine and is doing its best to help the people of this country. 

The company aids Ukrainians in several ways. One of them is providing Ukrainian employees with all the necessary financial support, facilitating relocation, etc. However, Andersen doesn’t focus on its staff members only and seeks to provide humanitarian aid to those who suffer the most. 

Bedside monitors for an Oncology Center

Andersen Charity started as a campaign aimed at delivering aid to hospitals that urgently need material and financial assistance. The company that has been developing cutting-edge healthcare solutions is now helping medical institutions to cope with the current state of things and buy the necessary devices, instruments, and medications. 

In April 2022, Andersen launched a fundraiser to help Cherkasy Regional Oncology Center obtain three UTAS bedside monitors. This healthcare institution is currently treating not only people from the Cherkasy region. As far as numerous Ukrainian cities have been seriously damaged and their inhabitants had to flee their homes, many people have relocated to safer places inside the country. Those who suffer from serious illnesses need urgent medical help. In addition to that, more and more soldiers and civilians are wounded every day. Thus, hospitals and clinics are operating under an increased load. 

For 68 years, Cherkasy Regional Oncology Center has been treating cancer patients and expanding its facilities. Currently, it has almost all the necessary centers, laboratories, and units. It treats both inpatients and outpatients (correspondingly, 14,500 and 60,000 people per year). Now, as doctors receive up to 50 patients a day, external help and charity are more important than ever. 

For people suffering from cancer, treatment is an enormous challenge. They need to go through serious operations and take highly toxic medications. For doctors and nurses, it is an extremely important task as they need to constantly monitor the state of their patients. Thus, such devices will help them to provide qualitative post-operative care and make intensive care more efficient. These monitors control vital signs, ECG, SpO2, and other important parameters. 

A patient’s bed must be equipped with such a monitor. The clinic has them, but their number is insufficient as certain departments still lack these devices. Actually, dozens of monitors are needed to ensure effective treatment and care. And the influx of new patients has affected the situation. 

At the end of May, Andersen announced that the fundraiser had been successfully completed. Many of the company’s employees, both from Ukraine and abroad, joined the campaign and transferred money to help the center. Andersen expresses sincere gratitude to all donators. 

Other donation campaigns

Helping the Oncology Center with bedside monitors was the first major action within the whole Andersen Charity campaign. The hospital also needs B. Braun Infusomats, pharmacy refrigerators, and surgical instruments, and new fundraisers have been opened to gather money for them. Many of Andersen’s employees have already contributed to charity. They have also organized special cultural events (IT-Charity Party in Georgia) to help Ukrainians.  

The company also seeks to help other clinics in the Cherkasy region. Some of them need to replace obsolete equipment which is an uneasy task under wartime conditions. Cherkasy City Maternity Hospital needs a SonicAid monitoring system and a hearing screening system. In its turn, Cherkasy Regional Clinical Hospital for War Veterans requires a blood pressure monitoring recorder and a 24h Holter ECG monitor. If you wish to help these clinics obtain the necessary equipment, follow this link to donate. 

While the Ukrainian army is defending the country, doctors are fighting for people’s lives, helping infants to come into this world, alleviating the pain of war veterans, etc. They must not be left alone in their noble mission. That is why Andersen invites anyone willing to help them to join its charity campaign. You may subscribe to the company’s Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter accounts to receive important updates.